Chapter 2: Suspicion

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The sun slowly rose over the Tree of Life as Ullu waited with Kopa's companions.

Despite their fatigue, each remained focused on the tree's entryway.

"It's been so long. Is that good or bad?" The lioness asked in a feverish manner.

"Vegter says it good. If worse, they have told us he dead hours ago." One of the Tsavo lions growled.

Ullu had kept a watchful eye on the visitors since their arrival. But she wasn't the only one suspicious of their intentions.

Baliyo slowly approached with Afia and Surak. The other two lions were visibly tired from a long night of patrolling in the rain. Baliyo, on the other hand, kept himself on edge as he approached the party.

"Any news?" Baliyo asked Ullu specifically.

"Nothing yet."

"Your healer, she's helped animals worse than him right?" The wild dog nervously whined.

"If Nirmala can't help him, no one can." Surak growled.

As the sun rose further, they heard more footsteps and were soon greeted by Makini.

"Morning guys....Uhh hello." The mandrill's eyes widened when she saw so many animals before the tree.

"Who are they?"

Baliyo didn't take his eyes off the party.

"Visitors, their friend is very hurt."

"Oh no!" Makini covered her mouth.

"Nirmala's helping him right now." Afia started until they saw the lioness exit the tree with a very exhausted look.

"Kopa! Is he ok?! Will he be ok!?" The buffalo frantically huffed.

Nirmala yawned with her eyes struggling to stay open.

"He's stable, for now." Kopa's companions let out a collective sigh of relief.

"I'm too tired to help him right now. Makini you need to take over for me."

"Right on it!" Makini rushed inside as Nirmala passed the others.

"You saved Kopa! We're in your debt!" The second male Tsavo said humbly.

"It's my duty." Surak gave Nirmala a warm smile and a quick nuzzle as she strode beside him.

"I need to sleep." Nirmala sighed.

"Me too." Afia yawned.

Surak noticed Baliyo's intense expression and motioned closer to his nephew.

"Baliyo, are you coming?"

"Not yet, I'm uh, not that tired." The other members of the Night Pride watched with concern as Baliyo walked inside.

"I think I'll keep an eye on him." Afia said as she followed Baliyo.

Surak and Nirmala returned to a brush within the savanna portion and laid down beside each other.

For a brief moment, the two felt peace, until.

"There you are!" Both lions felt their senses assaulted by piercing shouts and small paws against their faces.

Two brown-furred cubs with blue eyes wrestled at their faces while the adult lions gave depleted looks.

"Vadik, Vala wait!" Kanda ran over to the cubs with a similarly tired look as the other adults.

"I'm sorry, I tried to wear them out all night but it's like they have endless stamina." The lioness panted.

Surak sighed.

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