Cure to be Human

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Y/N and me were together in the park talking to each other when I noticed that she wasn't responding. I was talking about Yeontan when I noticed that she was sleeping ever so peacefully. I was looking at her face, to be more precise, her facial features.Her long hair falling over her forehead covering her left eye slightly, her eyes even though closed, looked beautiful, her nose perfectly fit in with her face and her lips, slightly parted and her radiant face. It was at this point that I realised that she was not just beautiful, she was angelic.  

As I stared at her face when she slightly moved her head and placed it on my chest while she wrapped her arm around my waist. I now started noticing her hair which was shimmering due to the moonlight falling on it. I touched her hair, gently, so that I wouldn't wake her up and it was so soft. I now understood tht the feelings I have towards her, are not friendly or brotherly. It was much more deep and I somehow knew she felt it too. I slowly wrapped my arm around her while she was still hugging me and drifted to sleep.


I slowly opened my eyes due to the light falling on my eyes. I noticed that I am actually sleeping on Jungkook and nothingmade me more happier. This feeling I had yesterday night was pure bliss. For the first time in 65 years, I fell asleep so peacefully, and in his arms. His arms which made me feel that I am home, in my home. As I slowly got up, I once again started staring at him. He looked cute this time, with his lips parted while sleeping, he looked like a little baby.

 He looked cute this time, with his lips parted while sleeping, he looked like a little baby

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He looked so innocent and something inside me made want to protect him. He suddenly opened his eyes while I was still staring at him.

Jungkook: Stare much?

Y/N: Yeah... no! Nothing like that! Anyway, good morning Kookie!

Jungkook: Yeah Muffin! Stare at me all you want to. Good morning indeed.

Y/N: I can't believe we slept here! Won't your bandmates be worried about you?

Jungkook: Naah! They know I am with yo.......

Y/N: Spoken too soon!

I said as I looked at Taehyung and Jimin walking towards us! God I was so excited that I will meet them that I totally forgot about Jungkook's existence here. I jumped up and said

Y/N: Oh my god! Good morning Taehyung and Jimin!! So glad to see you guys! I am one of your biggest fans!! Can I get an autograph?

Jungkook: Yah! I exist too you know! You totally fogot about me!

Y/N: No I didn't. Just a little bit! Anyway, what brings you guys here?

Jimin: We are here to pick JK. So you are?

Y/N: Y/N. Byun Y/N.

Taehyung: Oh! You are Y/N! God, Jungkook never stops talking about you! He becomes like a little kid who us very excited to be getting a chance to talk to his crush whenever he talks to us about you!

Jungkook: No hyung! I don't get that excited! Don't exaggerate.

Y/N: Sure he is not Kookie! (I laughed). So I am your crush, huh?

Jungkook: I never said so! 

Y/N: And you didn't even deny that you have a crush on me, darling!

Jungkook: Ugh! Whatever! Let's go hyungs. Catch you later Muffin!

Y/N: You too Kookie! Bye guys!!



I was thinking about the time I spent with Jungkook and I decided to call Baekhyun. Only he can help me.


Baekhyun: Hello? Y/N? Is everything okay sis?

Y/N: Baek! I am fine! You don't have to worry. I wanted to talk to you about someone and something.... come to place will you? Since you are already in Seoul, I think we should talk about this in person.

Baekhyun: I will be home in 10 mins. See you

Y/N: You too!



I knew my sister. She would never do something irrational. But the way she told me to come to her house to talk was what made me think what happened. Maybe she wants to go back to New Orleans? But she also said that she wanted to talk about someone. Maybe she is in love and wants to leave the faction to stay with him? Whatever it is,  I decided to help her no matter what. This is the first time she asked me for something and I can't say no.


The bell rang! Looks like Baek is here. I opened the door and hugged my brother. 

Baekhyun: Hi sister! Looks like someone is happy to see me today!

Y/N: I am always happy to see you Baek! Anyway, have a seat. I will get something to eat. Water or juice?

Baekhyun: Juice!

Y/N: On the way, Sir

Both of us laughed at my joke and I quickly rushed to the kitchen, put everything in the tray and sat down next to Baek.

Baekhyun: So what and whom did you want to talk about?

So, I told him the whole story of Jungkook and what we have been doing and what I have been feeling and everything.

Baekhyun: You are in love Y/N. Finally.... I am really happy for you. 

Y/N: Baek, you probably won't like this but I want you to do something.

Baekhyun: And what is that?

Y/N: I want you to help me find the cure to be human.


I slightly shook my head and said

Y/N: I need this Baekhyun. I am tired of living like this. I want to be like a normal human without any magical powers. I want to be the girl who loves herself for what she is. It is not that I don't like being a tribrid, but, I want something more. I want peace and happiness.

Baekhyun: Y/N, even if we find a cure, there is a chance that it might not succeed and you might die. I can't risk your life Y/N. I cannot lose you too.

Y/N: You won't Baek. I promise, but, please help me. For my happiness, for me to find peace. He makes me feel safe and home Baek. Please.

Baekhyun: Fine. I will think about it for your sake.

I was glad that he was helping me. I am glad that now I will be human and maybe I will be wit Jungkook. Something in my mind was telling me that the feeling we share is mutual and I can't wait to see how it turns out. All I need is a cure to be human.

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