How you met

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You two met at a hero banquet. Iida was with his brother Tensei AKA Ingenium, you came with your (Adoptive) mother, Nemuri AKA Midnight. You two were the only teens there, so naturally you decided to say hi, "Excuse me, sir?" You said as you tapped Iida on the shoulder.
He quickly turned around to face you, "May I help you?" he said politely.
"well, yes. Uhhm... Well... You see, " you said shyly, "You're the only other teen around here, so I thought I should say hello. "
Iida then started a conversation with you. You guys walked around talking the rest of the banquet.
"Oh! My name is (y/n) by the way! And you are?" You said as your mother called to you.
"Right, my name is Tenya Iida, it was a pleasure to meet you, (y/n). " he with a smile, of course bowing like the gentleman he was, "It was a pleasure to talk to you. I shall see you at the next banquet. "
"I have to get going, Bye Iida-Kun!" You waved at him as you walked over to Midnight. He knew he wouldn't forget you, not a single detail.

I hope you enjoyed this first part! This is my first ever fan fiction like thing so, feed back is welcome!!!


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