You meet again

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Todays the day! You though walking through UA's big front gate. your eyes wondering, taking in the greatness that was UA. walking down the halls you made your way to class 1-B, sadly you hadn't gotten into the famous 1-A, but a hero course is a hero course. you skipped to an empty desk, you couldn't wait to get the day started!

Boy were you wrong about today being amazing. First, you place super low on the quirk assessment, and second, you hadn't made a single friend yet. you eagerly waited for the bell to ring, and once it did you practically ran out the classroom door to the cafeteria. your eyes scanned the area, landing on a familiar blue-haired boy.

"IIDA!!" you ran towards the boy catching him off guard.

"(y/n)? Don't run in the cafeteria, you could trip, or trip someone!" he scolded you, he was the same as he was at the banquet, "you didn't tell me you were trying out for UA, we could have trained together."

"Sorry, it just never came up I guess," you laughed, rubbing the back of your neck, "what class did you get into, I bet you got into 1-A knowing your quirk. I got into 1-B, but ill show you my potential during the sports festival!" you smiled.

"Yes, I did, in fact, get into 1-A. I made my brother proud!" Iida stated proudly.

you soon said goodbye to him, letting him talk with his friends. you happily plopped down an empty table and ate your lunch.


"Iida, was that your girlfriend or something?" uraraka asked as they ate.

He almost choked on his lunch, "N-no, (y/n) is a friend I met at a hero banquet. N-nothing more!" he stuttered out, his cheeks bright pink.

So how'd you guys like the second chapter of this story???!!! I've decided that I'm gonna write it more like a story that scenarios. FEEDBACK IS WELCOMED!!


~Racing Hearts~ Tenya Iida X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now