Let's Go Team E!

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you and Shihai quickly walked into the building to look for the 'weapon'. as you walked towards the building you sent a sinister smile Monoma's way, getting into your villain persona. once you and Shihai entered the building, you quickly used the, thankfully, concrete(which I'm counting as a kind of rock) floor to cover all of the windows. you and Shihai split up to search for the 'weapon'. you covered as many of the lights as you could to create dark places for your partner to hide in.

"(y/n), I found the weapon, I'm on the 3rd floor. get up here so you can protect it," you had completely forgotten about the communication earpieces you were given until you heard Shihai's voice in your ear.

"right, I'm on the 2nd floor now, we only have like a minute left before the heroes get here, so hide and get ready to fight. I've blocked out most light down here and on the first floor," you said, quickly finding the stairs that lead to the third(and top) floor.

You ran up the stairs, not blocking out as much light on the third floor as the bottom two. you raised 5 fairly thick walls of rock, protecting the weapon. you wiped the sweat off of your forehead from running so much. you sat down for a few seconds before you heard All Might's voice echo through the almost empty building.

"The heroes may now enter the building, either find and touch the 'weapon', or use your capture-tape to catch your villains! Villains, you either catch the heroes with your capture-tape or, protect the weapon until the timer runs out. You're time starts... NOW!" All Might yelled into the mic, making you stand up and watch the door to the room you and the weapon were located in.

You heard the quite echos from what you would later learn was Monoma and Testutetsu kicking the doors to the building down. you stayed in the room with the weapon, making sure if they somehow got to you, you could fend them off. you paced the room trying to remember what the 'Heroes' quirks were. Testutetsu's had something to do with metal, metal manipulation... no, metal creation... no! you let out a frustrated sigh, you just couldn't think of it, then it hit you. he turns into metal! now, what was Monoma's quirk.... he had the quirks of other students during quirk testing... so he copies them, I have to keep him from touching Shihai and me! 

"Shihai! do not let Monoma touch you! he can copy your quirk. I repeat, do not let him touch you, AT ALL!" you almost yelled into the communication device. you waited for a response but got nothing. "Shihai are you there!? Answer me!" you waited anxiously, did they catch him? no, Shihai would've told you, unless he was unconscious..! so many questions ran through your mind before you heard foot-steps coming your way.

You quickly activated your quirk, covering your fists and forearms in the cement/rock of the ground by the doorway of the large room. getting into a fighting stance you watched the door closely, more so the shadow of whoever was there, through the crack separating the ground and the door. you knew it wasn't Shihai, he would've used the shadow the door created to get passed the door.

"Heads up (y/n), I'm busy keeping tetsutetsu on the 1st floor, Monoma is heading up your way!" your partners voice cut through the silence, "I was trying to sneak up on them but Monoma got away, I didn't let him touch me, so he shouldn't have my quirk. I'll keep Tetsutetsu busy so you only have to worry about Monoma, good lu-" Shihai was cut off by what was most likely a punch or kick.

Your eyes darted back to the door only to see it wide open. You started to panic before hearing soft footsteps from behind you. Monoma had tried to jump you, he was mid-air as you turned around, lunging to get out of his reach, you fell to the ground, landing on your side. You quickly stood up, wincing at the slight pain in your side. You raised another wall of rock, adding another layer to the weapon's defense. You covered any exposed skin with rock, protecting yourself from his touch.

"Monoma's up here with me, keep up the good work down there!" You shouted into the communication piece before getting into a fighting stance, "What quirk so you have now, or should I say, who's?" He ran towards you, his fist getting big, "Kendou's, nice choice." You raised a short wall of rock to block him, losing sight of him in the process.

"She wasn't my first choice," Monoma sent more punches flooding towards you, "yours was my first thought, knowing you would use your quirk to your advantage, if I could use your quirk, I could easily win."

you felt your energy starting to noticeably drain, frantically raising more walls of rock, the walls getting thinner as more were created. Soon enough you had to stop making walls to conserve energy, letting Monoma land a punch to your stomach. Your body flew backwards before crashing into the wall behind you. Some of your armor crumbled off your body as you stood up, waves of pain washing over you. Clutching your side you finally made a move, sending your rock-covered fist straight to his face.

"I have Tetsutetsu captured with the capture-tape. I'm heading up to you now, hold out until I get there," You heard Shihai's voice in your right ear, thank god he had taken care of Tetsutetsu.

You and Monoma exchanged many hits to the face and stomach by the time Shihai reached the second floor(it's really dark in the building cuz of the rock blocking the windows and stuff). At this point you had Monoma cornered. His shirt collar in one hand, the other raised ready to hit the blonde square in the face. Right as you were about to land you finishing blow, All Might's voice rang out through the building, causing you to freeze, your armored fist inches away from Monoma's face.

"Time's up! The Villains win, please undo your quirks and head back out to the rest of the group!" You let out a sigh of relief when you heard All Might announce that you won.

You released Monoma from your grasp, lowering the walls around the weapon. The rock that covered parts of your body crumbles to the ground before offering Monoma a hand, "Go ahead and 'borrow' my quirk and help me undo all of these walls and stuff."

Accepting your offer, Monoma took your hand before you pulled him off of the ground. You and the entitled blonde walked out of the room after undoing the many walls that still stood. As soon as you had reached the stairs you came face to face with Shihai.

"It's too bad I didn't get to see you fight, but good job at getting Tetsu man," you smiled at your partner, although it wasn't charming with the blood dripping down your face and out of nose and mouth, "the brat and I can undo all of the walls, so you and Tetsu can head back to All Might and the others." Your partner nodded before heading back down the stairs.

~Racing Hearts~ Tenya Iida X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now