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it occurred to me that I should make a chapter on the different terms and extra information.

Your quirk-

Your quirk is a simple rock manipulation. you can bend it at will, changing the shape, the density, or sturdiness(?). you usually use it as armor or as an enhancement(having it cover your fist to enhancing your hand-to-hand combat). due to this, you have to be able to lift large amounts of weight. the drawback to this quirk is how fast you run out of stamina, and your muscles would ache.

Some terminology-

(y/n) - your name

(e/c) - eye color

(h/l) - hair legnth

(h/c) - hair color

(s/t) - skin tone

(l/n) - last name

if there are any new ones ill add them in the chapter!!


~Racing Hearts~ Tenya Iida X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now