Fins and Feet 2

168 1 13

1.Mermaid Au.

Person A is a mermaid, soaking in the sun on a rock. They happen to glance over at Person B and they go wide with shock, diving back into the water. Person A watches Person B from under the water.

A slight male laid out on a tasteless, silver rock. He had his eyes shut as he sunbathed, his curly chocolate hair dank and covering his face. He wore a minor grin. The fascinating thing about the male was he had a sapphire tail, resting around his feeble body.

It sparkled in the rays, the trivial, gorgeous scales seemed to have a radiance when shown against the rock's dull quality and hue. He had lapis colored gills on both sides of his cheeks, sticking out of his face. His arms had a small clutter of the shining scales across them. His hands have blue skin, used for helping him swim in the water.

The boy laid around on the rock, a beautiful hum escaping his lips as he relaxed. He couldn't help it, the warm rock against his back, the nice feeling of the cool air hitting his face. Oh man, it was enough to get him reeling. He adored it all, he'd never trade it for anything.

Meanwhile, another male came to the shore. His brown hair swooping up and his muscles showed through his whole body.He had a lofty stature and his jade eyes sparkled in the shinning sun. His eyes piercing through anything that investigated them.

The male with stunning features sat on the sandy seashore. The tide coming and gently tickling his toes. His pale skin seemed flawless against the beach's gritty complexion. He pulled his knees up to his chest, his arms wrapping tight around them, giving them a tight hug. His eyes shut as he reduced his breathing to easy sighs. 
The skinny merman dove into the water as soon as he saw the other approach the beach. He stayed under the water, trying his best not to make any sharp movements, not wanting to draw attention to himself.

Jeremy thought to himself, not understanding why the young human was at the beach so early in the morning. Maybe he is lost? Don't humans know this isn't the right time of day for their 'swimming'? The water is too cold for their soft skin! Jeremy watched amazed at the other male, his perfect jawline down to his wiggling toes. Something about them just amazed the curious fish-boy. His own blue eyes seemed to shine and glitter like stars.

Jake was relaxing, or at least trying to. He was steadying his breathing and trying to get a few things off his mind before he would walk back home to the hell that he lived in. He was almost completely relaxed until he heard a loud splash coming from the waters. His eyes opened wide and his chest started to rise and fall at uneasy paces. He was startled and didn't know what had made the noise.

He climbed to his feet and stared across the blue water, the tide still splashing at his toes. The gentle splashing of the ocean against his feet contradicted the racing feeling in chest. His anxiety rose like a mountain, not expecting the noise of water splashing had made his mind a bigger tornado than the one he already had.

Jeremy, the merboy's name, hadn't meant to startle the now frightened human. He just didn't want to be seen. He poked his head above the water staring at the human boy. He couldn't help but admire the other's beautiful eyes. The way his hair looks so soft, making him have an urge to comb his webbed fingers through it. He was starstruck by the other's gorgeous features, too many perfections to be able to describe them all. He did however, realize how crazy he sounded, a boy he's never even met before giving him tingles down his back. Making his face flush and his heartbeat a little faster. It was shocking to Jeremy.

Jeremy was too deep in staring at Jake he hadn't realize Jake had noticed him. At least, not until Jake, the human, had made eye contact, scaring the small fish boy. Jake had one eyebrow raised, not understand why a person was staring at him from the water. He calmed down realizing that the splash probably came from the boy in the water. He chuckled softly and have a small smile to Jeremy, trying to not scare him away.

The skinny merboy was in shock, pressing his webbed hands over his face. He was in utter disbelief. He had been spotted. The human had spotted him and he couldn't move. He was frozen in horror. He gulped, feeling like something was caught in his through, heat flashes started burning through his scaly skin. His chocolate colored curls covered half of his face though. He was glad for that, not wanting to be noticed anymore.

That however, wasn't going to happen. Jake sighed and climbed to his feet. He toes still getting the sand between them, but getting washed away by the water. He stripped down into only his swimming shorts. He stared at the water in front of him, getting a small wave of fear wash over him like the waves of the sea. He felt his breath go heavy as he took a step into the water. Then another. Until finally he was up to his waist in the water. He was trembling, and not even from the cold.

Jake has a phobia for the ocean. Ever since he was a little boy he has been traumatized to even step foot on it's beach and feel the sand across his toes. He refused to even come close to the same road beside it.

Jake is around seven years old. He is going swimming with his mom and dad. He used to love the water. The salty smell to the gentle waves. He loved everything about it. He waddled into the water, his eyes wide with excitement. He couldn't help but splash and thrash around. His hair soggy and wet against his head now. His green eyes shined as he turned around and looked to his mama.

"Mommy! Mommy! Look, I'm a fish! I'm a-" Suddenly his world went dark after a small blurred image of his mother showed in his eyes. The horror in her eyes he won't every forget until the day he dies. 

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