Chapter 14

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"So what's with all the fuss?" Ash asked as they entered the command centre. Vince ignored him.

"What do you think Ellis?" Vince asked politely, pointing to a cabin with glass walls set up in one corner of the room. It had a large desk with two chairs on one side and a plush leather chair on the other, and a file cabinet. The desk was set up with a printer a large monitor, waiting to be attached to a laptop to start working.

"Very nice." Ellis said with raised brows. Vince grinned.

"I know it does not look like much, but it's bullet proof and of course right here. This way Adam will worry less about you, and you'll worry less about him." Vince said cheerfully. Ellis arched an eyebrow.

"And I'll have to listen to less whining." Vince said but did not elaborate more about why he had set the whole thing up.

"Thanks Vince." Ellis said with a grateful smile and then she sashayed into the cabin, and closed the door behind her. Adam watched her set up her desk and make herself comfortable before she got to work.

Ash tapped him on the shoulder after a while and Adam turned to him inquiringly.

"Did you hear a word of what was just said?" he asked, looking exasperated.

"Repeating doesn't kill." Adam said, but he sat with his back towards Ellis this time.

Ash snorted, and waved his hand at Vince, who started again. Everyone else had just shaken their heads at how much of a goner Adam was.

"A missionary and his family has been kidnapped by some wannabe army in Africa. Now honestly, the missionary does not matter even though all of them are American citizens. His wife on the other hand, is the childhood friend of a Senator, who also happens to be the godfather of their baby daughter. Our mission is to get them all out." Vince explained.

"Okay. Where are they?" Adam asked.

"See, that's the catch. They kinda vanished, so most of it is conjecture and hearsay that is two days old and counting. We need to get on the field and look for them." Vince said looking disgusted. He hated field work especially when it involved real jungles as opposed to concrete ones.

"We'll need to get on ground immediately. We need someone to man our base, and to give us tech back up if we need it, but we also need everyone we have with us since this is going to be a people intensive mission." Adam said quietly. "Either Vince or Ash will have to stay back."

"What about Ellis?" Ash asked.

"What about her?" Adam asked turning to him with an arched brow.

"She is skilled enough to give us back up if we need it, and she can do all the tech manning of our base. There is also enough security here that she will be safe even by herself. None of us will have to stay back." Ash said logically.

Adam stared at him for a long moment. "Are you sure she can back us up if things go to hell?"

"Yep. We did not just play video games in those two weeks you all were gone." Ash answered.

"Fine. Let's ask her. Unless anyone has an objection?" he looked around but no one had a problem. Vince stood up and went to knock on Ellis's door. She looked up in surprise.

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