Chapter 15

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"This is cheating." Ash snapped, scowling at Ellis.

"It's using my resources. Stop whining." she retorted as she used the arm with the protector on it to smack him soundly.

"You won't always have this resource." Ash told her, even as he moved out of her reach on the mats.

"I will for at least a year Ash. My arm was broken in how many places? Of course I am wearing a protector. I am just surprised I didn't think of wearing it last practice." Ellis said cheerfully.

Ash sighed. "I am going to have bruises you damn woman."

"I still have bruises from your punch last time." Ellis told him, even as she tried to kick him in the shins. Ash jumped back to avoid it.

"Wanna show me?" Ash asked, with a waggle of his eyebrows.

"You want me to ever cook for you again?" Ellis asked brightly.

"Keep your clothes on. I'd rather eat." Ash said as he moved in and tried to throw her, but Ellis was ready for him, and she moved to the side, before hitting him from behind and knocking his feet out from under him. Ash fell down face first.

"Time out!" he called in a muffled voice, and Ellis stopped right before she punched the side of his head.

Ash rolled onto his back and stared at her.

"How in hell did you get so good so soon?" he asked, impressed.

"I was always good. You're just less scary this time." Ellis informed him, before extending her hand, offering to pull him to his feet. Ash looked at the hand in amazement before taking it, even though he jumped up using his own strength. Ellis let go immediately.

"That's still a bit too much huh?" Ash asked. He had never believed in ignoring any problem.

"Still progress right?" Ellis said wrinkling her nose.

"Definitely." Ash agreed with a smile. "Come on, let's see what disaster Adam has cooked."

Ellis giggled. "If it's sushi then it's going to be perfect. Anything else, well..."

"Yeah well..." Ash sighed. "I am doing this for food. I still think it's unfair that I have to eat his cooking."

They had reached the kitchen by now, and Ellis smiled at the subtle but delicious smell. Adam was making sushi, and miso soup, just as she had thought he would.

"There is enough time for you to grab a quick shower." Adam said without turning.

Ellis padded up to him anyways, and gave him a quick kiss, before she headed up to her shower.

"I think I'll just get the shower. I am sure you can do without my kiss." Ash said snidely from the doorway. Adam's knife barely missed him as it embedded itself in the wall next to his head. Ash was still laughing when he entered the upstairs guest room.


"Why is there a knife stuck in the wall?" Ellis asked curiously as they ate.

"There was a fly next to Ash's head." Adam answered blandly. Ellis stared at him before shaking her head.

"If ever there is a fly on Ash's head, please kill it outside. The stains will never come out, and I like this carpet." she told him deadpan.

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