Not sure what happened here.

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Dude, I know how annoying it could be to read someone's journal. I know because I've read some on here just to make sure mine is so different, that it's exactly the same. Jajaja
So you guys remember Heidi?
My good friend in Lemoore who's entire family helped me out when there was no one else? Well that's her above.
Now she has a family that is grown, but still lives at home. Her relationship with her children at some level, any parent would love to have chains this strong with their children.
She claims it isn't perfect.
But to me, it is totally perfect. She lives in Portland now, and her home is beautiful. She is exactly the way I remember her. Her house is as I imagined it.
Her life is happy and I'm grateful to have seen it.
It's kind of sweet to see a sister after so long and although she wasn't exactly everything I imagined, in one way, Heidi was so much more in others.
I got to know her husband Jason, and natur

    I got to know her husband Jason, and natur

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ally good natured fellow with a bite. You could see it. I knew I didn't want to push any of his buttons, but he was none of the things I was cautious of.
So after Portland I stopped in Eugene, to meet up with Steve O' Margaritas, a tattooer from Rapid City to drink a beer and smoke a toke. I love Steveo, he is an immaculate artist from Rapid City. He's a really big name back home trying to travel an make a staple in the industry we love and know as tattooing.

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My only regret is not getting a photo of the event but I didn't want to seem pretentious

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My only regret is not getting a photo of the event but I didn't want to seem pretentious. Y'all know I can be braggadocious but not pretentious. So I guess I will give you a picture of the camp.
So after leaving Eugene, Oregon; I went and met up with my Lil Brother which I think I wrote about. So I passed through Redding, I had the first of many "chicken waffles"! Ever had one?
   I never had one. I did have one though. I got real curious after watching Scott have one in Washington.
   I called a guy I had planned to work with. Things didn't work out. I tried another spot three hours away from that spot. Hell man, I should have just called that asshole. When I showed up, he kind of acted like he didn't know who I was. And I get it. Whatever. Tattoo shops are different everyday.
   But I will never forget how that dude sucks. Makes me wonder how many people I have done that to. Pissed me off pretty good so... Jajaja maybe I've pissed off my share of assholes too. He shall not be named here. He is not worthy.
   I did have a shot to work in Morro Bay California. It's beautiful there. But I was low on the funds and didn't want to gamble being in a place unfamiliar. When I get low on money, I get a little paranoid and I start weighing my options and living out their consequences regardless of wether they're good or bad.
   Truthfully, I can say whatever I want, I didn't make any bad choices. I really wanted to be close to my son Mark. He lives in Hanford Ca. He will have his own chapter for sure.
  So I went south instead to my hometown where I grew up. I called my friend, Chris Williams and asked him if he could put me up and let me make a lil money.
   And again, people have opened doors for me on this trip that make it easy to forget the ones that closed. I knew it was gonna be tight. It's the holiday season. One thing I knew was everyone in the shop had a clientele and none of them offered my strongest suit. So I may be a good fit.
I wrote about the rad spot gave me behind his home in the alley. I loved it back there.
The shop is located in the downtown area and is easy to find.
It's fair to say that all shops do slow down a lot towards the end of the year all over the United States. I don't know if Thanksgiving is a thing in other countries, but they probably have something similar but everyone's got Christmas.
Is there thanksgiving where you live?

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