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"Huh I guess I fell asleep thinking about Dib OH SHIT WAIT TODAY IS THE DAY I FIND OUT MY SOULMATE!"
*Zim* "Nothing gir!"
~~~~~~~~~~Time skip brought to you by Zim posing dramatically for when Dib shows up~~~~~
I wonder if they are a human? WHAT IF THEY ARE IN MY CLASS!
*Zim* "Good morning ms.teacher"
I quickly take my seat and glance around the room. Nope they aren't in here.I sadly look over to the window but as I do I notice that Dib isn't here today huh how odd. I feel a sharp pain in my side
*Zim* "owww"
I guess that my soulmate feels this to. Huh weird I guess whatever I feel the way you feel and the other way around.
"Oww I guess I coughed a bit to hard heh."
Man I can't believe in two days I find out who my soulmate is. I bet he or she will be gorgeous and kind. My sister already got her soulmate it's Keth. At lest he isn't crazy about MY Zim! Wow what was that about Zims not mine. Maybe I just need to get some more sleep ya ya that's it.
*************************************************3 POV
In Zims house later that night gir was drawing a picture of Zim and Dib kissing.He said out loud

Gir hangs the picture on the fridge before going off to each T.V.
********************Next Day********************
*Dib* Uuugg my head
I role out of bed and land with aloud THUMP on the ground. I quickly get dress and head downstairs. I rush out the front door stoping in front of Zim's house I stand out side waiting for something what it is I don't know but yet I stood their for a minute then Zim walked out I smugly smirk at him. And start walking away when I feel a sharp pain on my knee I finally realized I fell down and I'm bleeding I stand up and brush the dirt off myself I look back to find Zim with a look of pain on his face while rubbing his knee. I notice it his left leg the same one I'm bleeding from huh weird I turn around and continue walking to school but now for some reason at a slower pace almost as if I was waiting for someone to catch up to me. Then Zim appeared next to me so I started to walk but at a slower pace than before.
"Aaa it burns!"
I quickly realize it's starting to sprinkle so I hurriedly tick off my trench coat and put it on top of Zims head to keep him dry. Then I picked him up and started to run back to his house as the rain started to Pour down on us. I figured his house is closer to us than school is. I bust open the door and put Zim on the couch while shutting the door with my foot. I tell gir to get some towels to dry Zim off with than ask him if he's alright.
*************************************************Zim POV
"Are you alright?!"
I nodded my head quickly. Why would the Dib do this for me he doesn't even know we're soulmates yet and he's being so nice to me. He sits on the couch next to me and takes his wet shirt on tossing it lazily on the floor I lay my head on him and dose of to sleep. The last thing I see is Dib outing his arm around me saying some thin I can't quite hear.

Hey guys sorry I haven't posted much lately so to make up for this chapter has 292 more words than usual sorry I will try to post more frequently the post will probably get longer now that I have some more free time thanks for reading I hope you liked it bye for now 💙

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