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Time skip brought to by your friendly cult leader ~~
Man this show is so boring. I feel a bit of weight on my shoulder I look over and see Zim asleep on my shoulder. "Cute" Ok ok so Maybe I have a it of a crush on Zim.... OKAY I HAVE A HUGE CRUSH ON HIM I MEAN I COULD I NOT HE IS PERFECT AND IS AN ALIEN ITS LIKE HE IS MY SOULMATE FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! I shift how I'm siting so now me and MY Zim are cuddling. I start to feel my eyes get heavy so I closed them and drifted off to a peaceful sleep cuddling MY Zim.
~~~~~~~~ Time Skip to next day~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gir POV
"Do do doom dooooommm" "GASP"( yes that is what he said out loud) Mary and master are soooo cute
*************************************************Dib POV
"Hmmm" I slowly open my eyes to see a green outline of a person like shape. Are use my free hand to reach behind me and grab my glasses I looked down to see that I'm cuddling with Zim. I smile lightly and pull him closer to me and cuddle closer with him. I wrap my other arm around him. As I start to wake up more I realize that to day is the day I find out who my soulmate is. I hope it's Zim even though it's very very VERY unlikely. I close my eyes again and smile to myself enjoying the moment.
*************************************************Zim POV
"Mmmmhhhh" I let out a sigh of contentment this is perfect me and Dib-mate cuddling on the couch. I noticed I'm starting to stir awake I close my eyes and pretend to be asleep. Until I feel him wrap his other arm around me and pull me in to his chest. I snuggled up to him feeling my heart swell with happiness.

Hi I am running out of ideas please comment some ideas you have that you would like to see happen in this book love you all stay safe 💚

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