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"hi! my name's lee chan!" the small boy in front of the class cheerily said after writing his name very neatly on the board.

' 이찬 '

"isnt that lee joong-chan though?" i thought writing his name down in my head just in case i ever needed to know him.

i listened to him as he answered a few of our classmates questions about him. somsome intresting. most boring so i ended up zoning out only paying attention once more when i heard my teachers voice.

"you can sit next to kwon soonyoung. he's this class' representative you can ask him anything" the older male said in his usual monotone voice gesturing to chair beside me that had been added just this morning.

chan thanked the teacher and bowed slightly before making his way to his desk. i flashed him a small smile and he gave me one back nervously and started listening to the daily announcements our advisor was spewing out.

i stretched my hands out happily as the first bell of the day rang noisly through the hall way. i watched through the window as students spilled out of the classroom waiting for a certain someone to head out.

but before i could spot said person, i felt a light tap on my shoulder. "im sorry to bother you..." he said nervously holding a small box in his hands. "but i dont have anyone to eat with and i really don't want to be alone" he stopped once again breathing in deeply "would you please eat with me?" he says awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck but still maintaing eye contact  making him impossible to say no to.

"sure!" i said standing up. taking my lunch box out of my backpack. "come on i'll show you a good spot" i said.

we walked in silence during the short walk and all i heard from him during the walk was a few hums here and there.

"isnt that the cafeteria?" he asked pointing to the open court to our left.

"yeah, but it's really noisy there, and plus we both have lunch boxes so we don't need to get in line for school lunch!"

"so where are we going?"

"you'll see!"


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