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"oooooh, a love letter!" chan says peeking into my locker as i stood standing in front of it. "who's it from?" he asks watching me open the envelope. "i'm not sure" i say my heart pattering from excitement. "who the fuck would be stupid enough to like me" i say.

i pulled out the letter and let out the breath i didn't know i was holding. "so?" chan asks curiously.

'love, jihoon'

"it's from jihoon" i say trying to hide the excitement in my voice as i was showing him the paper in my hand. "really? i knew you two were meant to be!" he says in a teasing tone "where does it say to meet?" he asks scanning the paper we now held together. "uhhh the park? oh! the one near the pastry shop!" i say finishing the letter quicker than chan.

"well what are you waiting for? jihoonie's waiting!" he says pushing me to the exit. "come on! i'll bring you so you can't back out at the last minute" chan teases playfully. "okay okay i'm going!" i say stumbling after one of chan's hard pushes.

"here it is!" chan says. my heart was beating so erratically. i dint think my heart could beat faster than it did while reading the letter, yet here we are. on one hand i was nervous because i was being confessed to for the first time, well the first time in such an extravagant way. and on the other hand i was scared that i was being pranked. it would be so embarassing if it was.

"goooo!" chan whines "you already took your sweet time getting here so hurry the hell up!" he says leading my hand roughly to the parks entrance. "if something happens just call me and i'll come okay?" he smiles reassuringly. "now go!"

i walked into the park. slightly comforted by chan's words. the park was unwavered by my presence. but i felt like my world was spinning. i sat down at one of the benches in the middle of the patches of sunflowers. per request.

"i didn't think you would come" a voice says beside me softly. i whipped my head behind and saw him. jihoon.

his small stature looked even smaller than usual because he was wearing a light blue sweater that absolutely drowned him in it over his usual school uniform.

"so why'd you ask me to come here" i asked. "isnt it obvious?" he asked trying to keep his usual tone of voice but the blush on his cheeks making it hard for him to do so.

he took a deep breath and said the word that had been hanging in the air. "i like you" he says. "i don't expect you to say it b- "i like you too" i blurt out not even giving him the time to finish.

i dont know how it started. the soft pressure of his lips on mine. all i remember was staring into his eyes and then a blur. how long has it been now? my breath is running short.

i part from him and his eyes lock into mine once again. "so...boyfriends?" i manage to say without stuttering. even though i knew he liked me there was still a nervous tension in the air. "yes" he answers. simple and straight forward. i smile and pull him into a hug. exactly why i like him.

"damn, i didnt think it would work out that well for them" i say my eyes darkening at the sickening sight i was watching unfold. "really? in a park? how cliche" pulling my hood ober my head i turn my back and walk away. "ill deal with you soon, lee jihoon"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2020 ⏰

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