Chapter 1

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Third POV

Naruto was currently making his way to the Hokage office. An anbu came to his apartment and told him that the third would like to see him immediately as it was of most importance. Naruto, naturally didn't give up the chance to see the one person that seemed to actually care about him accept for his academy sensei Iruka Umino. Once Naruto reached the Hokage's office he knocked three times before kicking the door open.

"JI-SAN!!" Naruto yelled at the top of his lungs. This caused the Third Hokage to jump out of his chair and scream in surprise. Leave it to Naruto to surprise someone as powerful as the Hokage. The Hokage quickly stood back up and glared at the wall where a soft giggle could be heard from and only with extremely good hearing could you hear it. Once the giggles stopped the Hokage turned his glare on to the blonde boy that had scared him. Naruto simply chuckled with a huge smile on his face. Hiruzen sighed as he knew Naruto wouldn't be apologizing for nothing and that he meant to do what he did.

"Naruto, please sit down. We have some things to discuss." Naruto walked to one of the chairs in front of the desk and sat down. His face was that of confusion. The Hokage had never really been this serious. Sure he's gotten serious with Naruto before, but it was always like a scolding grandfather. This wasn't the vibe his Jiji was giving off. Hiruzen was in what Naruto dubbed as 'Hokage mode'. A mode in which Sarutobi player no games and was tense. Almost as if he was suspecting a fight. "Now Naruto. What I tell you now must stay between us until you become a chunnin. Are we clear?" Naruto nodded.

"Good. I am about to tell you the truth of your mother." Naruto's eyes widened and he leaned forward. He always wanted to know about his parents, but the Sandaime always changed the subject or said 'another time'. Now that he was finally going to hear about them he wanted to pay full attention and hear every syllable that came out the man's mouth. "Your mother's name was Kushina Uzumaki also known as The Red Death of Konoha." Naruto gasped in shock. His mother was a legend! She was feared among nations. No one wanted to encounter her. Just the sight of her hair along with her katana made armies quiver in fear. The only one who could cause an equal amount of fear was Minato Namikaze. The fourth Hokage and Yellow Flash of Konoha.

"Really?" Hiruzen nodded. "Not only that, but you are part of a clan. Specifically the Uzumaki Clan." This made the poor blonde nearly faint. He was part of The Uzumaki Clan!? A clan so famous for their powerful sealing abilities it took two whole nations to take them down! Two nations! To kill off one clan! And Naruto was a member of that clan. This was too much. Naruto's mind couldn't handle this. "The Uzumaki Clan? I'm part of one of the most powerful clans to exist? Only ever rivaled by the Senju's snd maybe the Uchihas?" The Hokage nodded again. "So not only is my mother so feared, the amount of fear she puts into people is only rivaled by the Yellow Flash of Konoha and the first Hokage, but I'm also part of a clan that was so feared and respected two nations banded together just to take them out?"

"Well you certainly do your research." Hiruzen smiled. Naruto just sat back and let his mind process everything. "Are you ready for me to continue Naruto? Do you need more time?" Hiruzen asked. "No, no I'm ok. You can go on." Naruto replied. "Well, that's all I really wanted to say. I expected you to know nothing of your mother or the clan so I was going to explain everything, but as it turns out you know quite a lot. Now, all I have to do is give you what your mother left for you and you can be on your way." Sarutobi stood up and walked over to a bookshelf. He bit his thumb and smeared his blood on to a row of books. The blood glowed before he was it turned into a black chest with the red Uzumaki seal on it.

"Here you are." Naruto took the box from the Hokage and kept it locked in his grasp. "Inside is a letter to you written by your mother on the night of her.....passing explaining everything along with Uzumaki Clan scrolls that hold clan secrets and more. It's locked by a blood seal and only an Uzumaki can open it. So if you want to open the box you must smear some of your blood on it." Naruto nodded and left the room with a dazed look on his face and the chest locked in his arms. Once he got home he sat in his bed and just stared at the chest. He wanted to open. Every fiber of his being was screaming at him to open it, but he himself was having second thoughts.

What if he wasn't good enough to be a full Uzumaki? After all Uzumakis were heavily known for their red hair and purple eyes. He didn't have either of those things. Hiruzen always told him he acted exactly like his mother in particular, but what if the looks is what defined an Uzumaki? What if he had most of his father's genes and not enough Uzumaki blood? Smacking himself, Naruto steeled his nerves. He's being stupid. Of course he's an Uzumaki. He has the personality, the chakra reserves and the awesomeness. There's no way he wasn't an Uzumaki.

Naruto gave a heavy sigh and bit his thumb. He smeared it on the box and it popped open. Showing the blonde child the scrolls that would shape his future. At this moment Naruto swore to himself he would change. Not only did he now have a clan to represent, but he also had a mother to make proud.

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