Chapter 11

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Third POV

"I want to visit Uzushiogakure." Naruto said when he reached the Hokage's office. He now stood in front of the old Fire Shadow. Said Kage was sitting behind his desk with a shocked face. 'How does he know of Uzushio? The academy didn't teach that. Kushina! Damnit why?!' Hiruzen thought. "Well, ahem. That's a dangerous request. Uzushiogakure was destroyed in the first half of the Third Shinobi War. I doubt there's anything left." Hiruzen said. "If there is I wanna get it, before someone else does. Come on Jiji, please!" Naruto begged. The old Kage thought about it. It might be good for him to get a connection to his home town, but it was also really dangerous. Sarutobi sighed. Naruto wasn't going to give up on this and he knew it.

"Fine. However, I'll be sending my top ninja with you to make sure you're safe." Hiruzen caves making Naruto cheer. "Yes! Thanks Jiji!" Naruto yelled. "Of course. Now go get packed for maybe a week. You leave as soon as possible." Naruto was already gone. "Neko." A female anbu with a cat mask and purple hair suddenly appeared in front of the Hokage. "Hokage-Sama." She bowed. "Get me Kakashi, Gai, Kurenai and Anko." Neko wanted to argue. Dear Kami did she want to argue. The Hokage was sending a lazy pervert, a feminist, a socially awkward training junkie, a mentally deranged, psychopathic seductress and a hyperactive, brash kid on a mission.

However, orders were orders so she just sighed and went to collect the requested ninja. She found Anko and Kurenai at a park walking around together. Anko was sheepishly rubbing the back of her head with one of her normal smiles while Kurenai was shaking her head with an exasperated look on her face as her fingers massaged her temples. The purple haired anbu sighed. Anko's done some something she most likely shouldn't have. Again. She walked up to the two females and cleared her throat.

"Anko, Kurenai. Hokage-Sama wishes to speak with you two." She said. For some reason Kurenai's head snapped up and she looked alarmed. "Is it because of Anko dating Naruto?! Did she rope me into this?! I'm innocent!" She exclaimed. "What? No, he just-Wait hold on huh? Anko, you're dating Naruto?" Yugao asked. "No, well not yet. I don't know if we'll be dating. It was a bet. He becomes an official genin and we go on a date to see if he could handle me." Anko explained. Yugao just shook her head. Anko was interested in Naruto since he was thirteen and she knew it, but it was still surprising at how Anko worked.

"Anyway, that's not why the Hokage wants to see you. Just go to his office and wait." She then disappeared from sight. She reappeared outside the village walls and waited. If her timing was right then Gai and his student Rock Lee should be popping up right about now. "Good work on our run today Lee! Your flames of youth are brighter than ever!" A loud, boisterous voice yelled. "Thank you Gai-sensei!" Yugao just decided to cut it off here. "Ahem. Gai, Hokage-Sama wishes to see you." She then left via a leaf Shunshin. She reappeared in front of the Memorial Stone where Kakashi was 'talking' to Obito Uchiha. One of his teammates that had died on a mission gone wrong.

"Neko. To what do I owe the pleasure?" He asked, not even looking at her. "Hokage-Sama wishes to see you." He hummed. "Did he say what about?" She shook her head. "No." He nodded. "Alright then. I'm on my way." Neko rolled her eyes. She knew what that meant. "It's an S-Rank mission so I suggest you hurry." She Shunshined away before he could complain. Kakashi simply stared at the monument for a few more moments before sighing and Shunshining to the Hokage tower.


"Thank you all for coming, I have a mission for all of you though for some it is optional. Kakashi, due to who will be going on this mission you unfortunately will have to postpone your Genin Test." The man raised an eyebrow. "Naruto Uzumaki has requested that he go to the remains of Uzushiogakure. I could not say no so I ask you if you, any of you would be willing to accompany him." Anko smiled widely. "I'm definitely going. Need to see how much the brat grew." She said. Hiruzen nodded and wrote her name on the scroll. "I'll go as well. I gave my team their test already so it gives them a while to get their teamwork up." Kurenai stated. "I also need to keep Anko in line." Her name was also added.

"Yosh! I shall also accompany young Naruto on his journey to the birthplace of his youthful clan!" Gai exclaimed excitedly. Hiruzen could already see how Naruto would react to Gai and chuckled. He then looked to Kakashi. The grey haired man thought about it. He's always wanted to see Uzushiogakure, but he also wants to be surprised when he tests him. However, he also wanted to gauge Naruto's strength. Not to prepare for the test, but to see what he would have to teach Naruto of the team passed. "I'll go, I guess."

Hiruzen nodded and wrote down the scarecrow's name just as Naruto walked into the room. He wore a pair of black pants and black ninja sandals. On his wrists were metal wrist bands that had fingerless gloves attached to them. He also had a sleeveless vest on showing the tattoo or rather seals he had painted on his body. They were simple storage scrolls, but it was still impressive for a genin to do something of this caliber when it came to seals.

"Naruto, perfect timing. This will be your escort team. Kurenai Yuhi, Kakashi Hatake, Maito Gai and Anko Mitarashi." Naruto smiled widely. "Hey Kakashi-sensei, don't ya think this is cheating?" The closet perv smiled in amusement. "Nah, I'm simply seeing how well you work with others and finding out what you know so it  would be easier to find out what I need to teach you. Think of it as your Genin Test before your Genin Test." Naruto nodded. "Ok then. Well, I'm ready to go." The Jounin all nodded and left to get ready themselves.

Twenty minutes later the the five ninja were walking out of the village's gate and towards their destination with Naruto at the lead with an excited smile.

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