Chapter 10

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Third POV

After Iruka had finished announcing the teams the Jonin sensei's came to take their teams. The only three that were left were team 7. Sakura was sitting next to Sasuke with a frown on her face. Sasuke was looking out the window with the occasional glance at the former blonde in the back of the class while said redhead seemed to be meditating calmly. His eyes were closed and he was breathing evenly. With an untrained eye someone cold mistake it for him sleeping, but if you were close enough you could feel an invisible aura of darkness and evilness around him. At the current moment Naruto was trying to get a better hold on his darkness so he could use it more efficiently, but had no such luck.

Luckily his headband hid the mark on his forehead from his teammates so he didn't have to worry about explaining it just yet. That is until Sakura screamed suddenly about how late their making Naruto lose control and send out a pulse of pure dark energy. Both Sasuke and Sakura felt it and nearly pissed themselves at how powerful and evil it was. They snapped their heads to look at the redhead as he sighed in annoyance. 'Right when I was getting somewhere too. Why did I like her again? Wait, now that I think about it I see a lot of her in me. We were both really loud and annoying. Both of us constantly chased after someone that didn't want us. Both of us had temper issues. Only difference really is that I changed.'

"NARUTO!!!" The mentioned boy dodged a sudden punch from Sakura. He glared at her. "What?" He ground out. "Sasuke-kun was talking to you, listen to him!" Sakura yelled angrily. Naruto looked to Sasuke. "What do you want emo?" Sakura growled, but Sasuke spoke before she could start screeching again. "What was that pulse of power we felt? It obviously came from you, but it wasn't Chakra." The Uchiha said. "Clan secret." Naruto shrugged. "Clan? You're not part of a clan!?" Sakura exclaimed. Naruto gave her a 'bitch is you drunk?' look. "We literally just went over who my mother was." He said. "So?" Sakura asked. "Kushina was part of the Uzumaki Clan. One of the most feared clans. So feared in fact that Kiri and Iwa banded together all of their forces just to take them out. Shouldn't the smartest class member know this?" Sasuke asked incredulously.

Sakura hung her head in embarrassment and shame. Being the top kunoichi with basically nothing, but smarts she should've known about the Uzumakis. She should've known a lot, but she was letting her love for Sasuke blind her. Of course she didn't know this and instead promised she do better and be smarter for her Sasuke-kun. Just then a man walked through the door. He had silver hair in an odd spiked style and wore the standard Jonin uniform. The three looked to him and he stared back with his one eye.

"Team 7?" He asked. "YOU'RE LATE!" Sakura screeched. "Sorry, I saw a black cat and had to take the long route to avoid bad luck." He said simply. Everyone sweat dropped. "LIAR!" Naruto sighed. This was gonna be a long day. "Meet me on the roof if five minutes." He then disappeared in a poof of smoke. Naruto raised an eyebrow before standing and walking to the stairs. Sasuke and Sakura followed him and a few minutes later the three walked out of the door and onto the roof of the school. Their sensei was sitting on the rail reading his smut book.

"Why don't we start with introductions, hmm? I want to know your name, likes, dislikes, hobbies and dreams for the future." Sakura raised her hand. "Um, can you give us a demonstration? To show us how it's done." Kakashi thought about it. "Mmm, sure. My name is Kakashi Hatake. My likes and dislikes.....I don't feel like telling you that. My dreams for the future, never really thought about it. My hobbies, I have a lot. Your turn pinky." Sakura scowled at the name.

(Sakura and Sasuke's introductions are the same)

"Alright, your turn tomato." Kakashi said. Naruto scowled angrily at that. "I will beat you in the head with a frying pan." Naruto grumbled causing the Jonin to let out a knowing chuckle. "Anyway, my name is Naruto Uzumaki, I like ramen, training, the Shadow Clone Jutsu, my family jutsus and Anko-Chan. I dislike waiting, people challenging me, liars, arrogant people and people blinded by anger. My hobbies are training, learning new techniques and hanging out with Anko-Chan. My dream for the future..... honestly I don't know. I mean, it used to be to become Hokage, but now that I think about it, I can't imagine myself sitting behind a desk and doing nothing, but paperwork all day. Ya know what I mean?"

"Yea, I think I do." Kakashi said with a hidden smile. "Anyway. I want you three at training ground three tomorrow at six o'clock in the morning. There I will give you your genin test." Kakashi informed. "WHAT?!" Sakura yelled while Sasuke looked at the Jonin in unbelief. "Did you really think that was the true genin test? You're trying to become Shinobi, not civilians with basic ninja training. You're going to need a lot more than an unofficial fighting style and three weak Jutsu's under your belt." Kakashi explained while Naruto simply ignored him and thought about what he should have his clones train in today.

"Well, that's all. Good luck tomorrow. Oh yea, I suggest you don't eat breakfast. You'll puke." He then disappeared via Shunshin. 'I might puke, but at least I'll be at full strength.' Naruto thought as he stood up. "Hey dobe! Spar with me." Naruto looked back. "For one, my name is Naruto Uzumaki. Two, I can't. I got more important training to do. See ya." With that the redhead jumped off the side of the building. Of course he used his chakra to stick to the side of the building, but the other two didn't know that. He ran down the building and rushed home.

After going through a few scrolls Naruto decided to learn a few more Jutsus. For the fire group he would learn the God of the Dancing Flame. A Jutsu that surrounds the user with mini fire dragons that the user could either send them as exploding homing missiles or have them fly around the user as a sort of protection. For water he'd learn the Serpent's Demise technique. It uses water that's already on the ground to make a leviathan that sneak attacks the enemy.

Lightning would be an enhancement for taijutsu. It's called the Lightning Dragon Barrage. It coats the users hands and feet in a bunch of lightning which sped up punches and kicks to lightning speed. Unfortunately, if the target is fast enough they could dodge so it's better to use the attack either when the target is stunned or wet as if you manage to get the assault close enough the lightning will jump to the water on the enemy and shock them.

'I wonder if I could learn the Eight Gates or maybe even the Juken? I know the juken is best used with  the Byakugan, but I don't have to go for tenketsu. I could target pressure points, internal organs, blood vessels and major arteries and veins. I just need someone to teach me. Mmm..." Naruto thought as he made his clones. "Go work on those for Jutsus. You know how to split up. I need to have a talk with Jiji."

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