Chapter 4

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Naruto POV

The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was a brown fuzzy ceiling. Of course the ceiling wasn't actually fuzzy. It was just my sight being blurry. After my sight cleared I sat up and looked around. I was obviously in some kinda house. The walls were full of Kunai and Senbon and the floor had clothes strewn all over. To be honest, it kinda looked like my apartment only less......violent. I got out of the admittedly comfortable bed and stretched. My entire body was sore from my training, but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle. 'Where am I?' I thought. The last thing I remember was fighting of the dark power from my seal then nothing. Did someone bring me to their house? Couldn't have. The only people I know that are nice to me are some the clans and this isn't a clan compound.

Also I was pretty deep in the Forest of Death so I don't think they would've sensed me releasing that power. So who would be around? They'd have to literally be living in the forest. Welp, one way to fin out. I walked out of the room and started heading downstairs slowly. I mean, someone could've kidnapped me. Always be cautious. When I got downstairs I saw a multitude of thing that shocked me. One, the living room had more Senbon and Kunai lodged into the walls, but there were crudely drawn pictures of random people where the the sharp objects were. Most I didn't know, but I did recognize one. Orochimaru the Snake Sannin.

It was terribly drawn, but it was clear it was him. Long black hair, white skin, purple marks around his golden brown eyes. It was all there. Orochimaru seemed to have the most weapons lodged into his body. Whoever brought me here really hated this guy. The second thing the shocked me was the amount of dango sticks laying around the place. Did all this person eat was dango? I mean I can't exactly complain. All I eat is Ramen, but I can get a few bowls of vegetable ramen and be ok, but it looked like all this person was dango and only dango. The third thing that shocked was more of a who than a what. It was a beautiful, sleeping woman with purple shin in a spiky ponytail and fair skin. All she wore was a burnt orange skirt and a fishnet bodysuit that ended at her mid thigh and left nothing of her breasts to the imagination. Who was this lady?

Wait. Where's my box? Did the lady bring it back with us or did she leave it?! Did she look in it?! Did she read my clan's scrolls!? I rushed back upstairs to look around the room I was in and saw nothing. I ran back downstairs and looked all over. The kitchen, the living room around the couch that the A woman was snoring loudly and finally. I found it in front of the door. I sighed in relief and went over to check it. When I opened it everything was the same as o left it. Thank Kami she didn't read anything.

"Figured that you didn't want some stranger reading your scrolls." Someone said behind me, but I wasn't shocked. I don't know why though. It's like my brain knew she was coming. I don't know how. I just felt it. Did that make sense? "Uhh, Yea. I'd rather I learned what was in them before anyone else did. Oh and thanks for helping me, uh....." She smiled. "I'm Anko Mitarashi." She said with a devious grin. "Oh thanks Anko-chan. I'm Naruto Uzumaki!" I exclaimed holding my hand out. "I know who you are brat. Your famous in the village. Just not the good famous." She said grabbing my hand and yanking me closer so I was face to face with her. "And I like that." She whispered. That's where I started to panic.

"I need an adult." I whispered. "I am an adult." She said huskily as her grin widened. I panicked even more and started sinking to my knees and whimpering. Suddenly she let go of my hand and started laughing loudly. She gripped her sides and fell over laughing while I just stared at her with a deadpan expression. Why was I cursed to meet her. "Ahhh, your face was hilarious. Don't worry brat. I'm not that easy. You gotta get to know me first." She smirked at me as I closed my chest. "Yeaaaaaa, no thanks bye." I said and opened her door. "Plus I don't think you could handle me." That stopped me. I turned back around. She was smirking at me and that made something in my head snap.

"What was that?" I asked heatedly. Was she challenging me? Never challenge Naruto Uzumaki!! "You heard me brat. You couldn't handle me if you wanted to." She said with the exact. Same. Smirk! "Oh yea! I bet I could!" I yelled getting in her face. "Oh really now? Well then how about a little wager? Unless you wanna back out." "I never back down." I growled. "Alright then. Here's the deal. I know who you're teammates and who you're Jonin sensei is going to be, not telling you!" She exclaimed before I could ask who'd they be. "Now, you're not actually a genin yet. You have to pass your Jonin sensei's test first. Now, with who your sensei will be plus your who your teammates are, it'll be extremely difficult to pass that test. If you manage to pass the test, then we'll see how much of me you can actually handle. We'll go on a date and who knows, I might even introduce you to the girls." She said with a smirk.

"Deal?" She held out her hand. To be honest. I heard everything she said, but all my brain processed was 'you're challenging me. I'll prove you wrong!' With that in mind. "Deal!" I grasped and shook her hand. We smiled at each other challengingly and squeezed the other's hand until she grimaced and pulled back. I smiled and stuck my tongue out at her. She just smiled. "Nice grip brat." She then got close to me again. "I like it rough." Blood instantly rushed to my face and I'm pretty sure my head caught fire. "Now get out and train. You gotta a test to pass in a few day!" She then kicked me out. Literally, she grabbed my chest, threw it out then grabbed me by the back of the shirt she lent me and punted me out the door.

'I'll show you! I'll pass that test and become a genin. I'll become an official Shinobi of the Leaf! Just you wait!' Were my last thoughts.

Just a little note, I'm changing the ages. Right now Naruto is 14 and when the chunnin exams hit he'll be 15. That's all.

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