Chapter 7

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Naruto POV

I happily made my way through the village an extra pep in my step. I had finally found out my nature affinity and turns out I have multiple. The only one I'd be missing is earth, but that's fine. I mean I can't use wood or lava style, but I might be able to use storm, boil and others. I wonder if I could use them. I mean, I have a lot of chakra so with the right scrolls I should be able to learn it right? I'll have to read up on it in. Anyway as I was walking I bumped into someone causing both of us to fall. When I looked up I saw that it was Ino I had bumped into. Sighing at He inevitable screams I was going to here I stood up and offered a hand to her.

"Sorry Ino. Wasn't paying attention to where I was going." I said. She scowled up at me and grabbed my hand to pull herself up, nearly bringing me down while at it. "Yea, well watch where you going next time baka!" She screamed. "Yea, got it." I tried to walk away only for her to stop me by grabbing my arm. "Hey, what's up with you hair? Did you dye it?" I shook my head. "No. I had an appearance seal placed on me at birth. Something about keeping me safe from certain people or something like that." I said. It wasn't a complete lie. If certain people found out I was an Uzumaki then my life would've been done for. I'm pretty sure the the nations that wiped out my clan wouldn't let me live.

"Oh. Well you should really get that a new hair style. You're current one might've fit with your old color, but definitely not this one." I gave a tight smile. "Thanks. I'll work on it." Without giving her anytime to respond I rushed off towards the forest of death. Sheesh, I never noticed how annoying she was.

Scene Change

When I got back to my little clearing I saw that my box had been placed under a genjutsu that I could somehow see through. I walked over and noticed a small note sitting on top of the chest. I picked it up and raised an eyebrow as I saw it was from Anko. It read, 'Sup brat. I noticed you left your precious box so being the good person I am I placed a genjutsu on the thing that only you and I can see through. Oh and I look forward to beating in two days. Love, Anko'. I guess Anko came by and didn't want anyone trying to get into my things. Cool. I sat down and once again, opened the chest. I rummaged through them until I found a scroll on elemental transformation and how to perfect it. I opened it and sighed.

'Ok, so I'll need a lightbulb, a leaf, a stick, and a pond. Most of those things I can find in the forest. I just need a lightbulb. Hmmm, maybe Anko has one?' With that thought I got up, gathered my things and started on my way to the snake woman's house. It wasn't too far away from where I trained so I'd make it there in about ten minutes. Just as I said, ten minutes later I was standing at her front door. After a short knock I heard something hit the floor and Anko grumbling before the door swung open to see an obviously tired and grumpy Anko. She glared at me with groggy eyes and sighed.

"What do you want? I was taking a very much needed nap." She asked. "I need a lightbulb. Practicing my nature transformation." She just nodded. "Upstairs in the first room to your left. There's a closet with a box of'em on the shelf." She walked back to the couch and crashed down, sleeping before she even landed. I chuckled and walked into the house, closing the door behind me. After making my way upstairs I went into the room and was honestly surprised. There weren't any kunai or Senbon in this room. There was still clothes everywhere, but the walls weren't littered with sharp objects. Interesting.

Anyway after grabbing a lightbulb I made my way back downstairs and out the house, not forgetting to close and look the door. No one comes out here besides me and maybe a few of her friends, but apparently she hates unlocked and open doors when she's sleeping. I don't know why and from the look she had when I found out I didn't want to know so I left it alone. I made it back to my clearing and made four hundred shadow clones. I set on hundred to work on lighting the lightbulb and keeping it lit for ten minutes, one hundred to work on setting the stick on fire, one hundred to cut the leaf in half and the last hundred to a pond to make one pillar of water each and hold it for ten minutes. I decided to read up on a few of the chakra manipulation scrolls.

Apparently us Uzumaki's could manipulate our chakra into physical things such as chains. Of course that was the main thing they used it for, but according to this scroll their Adamantine Sealing Chains were an incomplete form of chain magic. There were three steps. First there was Adamantine Attacking Chains. Chakra chains that were used to attack and pulverize the target. Then Adamantine Sealing Chains that were used to bind and hold beings even as great as the tailed beasts. The last stage was simply called Chain Magic that could be used in a whole assortment of different ways.

This is what I worked on for the rest of the day while my clones did their jobs and worked on elemental transformation. Of course I didn't just work on chains. I also tried making wings, weapons and even chakra clones. We worked on our assignments for about eight hours before I decided to go home and rest. The last day of my training was tomorrow and after that I'd find out who my Jonin sensei and teammates are. I just hope it's no one annoying or prideful. That wouldn't end well.

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