□ Chapter Three

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I prided myself on my punctuality- my ability to arrive on the dot to every ocassion. Yet I supposed my ability was exclusive. I checked my uniglass almost constantly before folding my arms on the table and resting my head on them.

The door whistles as it opens, and I sit up, pressuming it to be our Alpha. I am granted no such mercy. It's simply Finian, who stares at the room unenthusiastically.

He doesn't say anything to me as he settles against a wall, Zila trailing in after him staring at her uniglass.

I check my uniglass again. The rest of the squad were running a full ten minutes behind already. For a golden boy, Tyler Jones definitely didn't seem punctual. First the Draft and now this meeting.

"Stop doing that," Finian pleads.

"Doing what?" I fire back, gaze flitting to my uniglass.

"That!" He gestures with an air of noncomittal-ness.

"Our Alpha is ten minutes late and you're not even the slightest bit concerned?" I ask. "What if he does this on missions? It damages team morale!"

"You know, talking like that damages team morale too," Finian muses, stretching languidly as if just waking up.

"You're insufferable," I retort.

"Ouch, that hurt Miss Goody-goody," He teases with a grin and a raise of his eyebrows.

I scoff, turning away from him with a furrow in my brow. I focus on the glowing insigna of the Aurora Academy on the table and the star maps projected inches off of it.

The unsettling silence is broken by a whizz. Light briefly pours into the room, and I turn. It seems the rest of the squad have finally shown up, pertaining to a redhead, clean-cut blond, and short haired brunette who I mistook for a boy at first glance. Taking a headcount I realize we are still, annoyingly, one short.

The blond's gaze is critical, but not unkind. He looks strong- the kind of thing that comes with many years of military training- but there is a tenderness to his mouth and eyes that makes me wonder if he could really hurt someone willingly.

I feel my face break into an award-winning smile and I rise to my feet, offering a salute.

"Alpha leader Tyler Jones," I say. "It's an honour to meet you, sir."

I hear Finian snort from the far side of the room, but Tyler simply smiles back, offering me the same gesture.

"Galatea Espina. Honour to have you on board."

I nod at the two who accompany him. Scarlett and Cat. I am almost positive I remember being in their class during first year, but it's such a long time ago I struggle to recall.

"Teacher's Pet. Haven't changed much since first year, huh?" Catherine greets cheerfully.

"Catherine," I answer. "Neither have you." I offer a small smile to her redheaded friend. "Scarlett."

She gives me a charming smile and small wave in response.

"Good morning, legionnaires," Tyler greets in a voice that commands our attention.

I take a few steps back, settling back into my seat and sparing a glance across the room. Apparently neither Zila nor Finian are making any attempt to greet them. Zila distractedly staring at her uniglass and chewing on the ends of her curly hair. Finian simply watching.

I shoot both a disapproving look, brows furrowed and lips quirked down. Finian sighs, giving our alpha the most sloppy, ill-mannered salute I have ever had the misfortune of seeing.

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