□ Chapter Nine

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We've been Folding for a few hours now. It's almost tiring to watch Aurora sleep. As much as I am against spacing her, I still feel unsettled around her. It's almost as if breathing wrong around her could set her off- or perhaps I was just paranoid.

I rattle off some excuse about going down to the hold to see the damage for myself. I know just as well as my squad knows that I'm going down there to talk to Finian. But I'd rather be caught dead than say that.

When I arrive, Finian's still there, staring at the door from his seat on a bench with awe. His uniglass is in his hand opened to something, but he only focuses on the door.

He's not wrong about his orange analogy. The things been peeled back into the room, bent as if it were paper. The light inside the room flickers, blinking as if unsure what power could've turned it into a mess. I was wondering the same.

Finian catches sight of me and forces his awe away, trademark grin returning to his face.

"It's like an obscure artwork," I mutter.

"Pull up a seat. Maybe you'll get some inspiration." He pats the bench besides him. I sigh, sinking into it gratefully, yet still staring.

We sit in silence for a moment before he speaks up again. "Er, those bruises… Are they… sore?"

"Well, she nearly crushed my windpipe, so… yes. They are," I return. "I got Zila to double check them though. No injuries, just external bruising and a sore throat."

"I could kiss them better," He offers quickly. I snort, eyeing him out the corner of my eye, even he looks ready to smack his forehead for his response, but still grins teasingly.

"Like hell, de Seel." I didn't realize I was smiling until I try to poke my tongue out at him.

"You're missing out," He assures teasingly.

"Sure I am. Ten creds say I could kiss better than you."

"Bet," He answers quickly, leaning forward with such speed I was nearly positive he was about to take me up on my bet.

"Wait no!" I proclaim, bursting into laughter at the same time he does. He points at me accusingly.

"So you admit defeat!" He places a dramatic hand to his chest. "I am the superior romantic."

"Or the superior dork." I poke him on the forehead, driving him out of my personal space. "And I feel as if I know what's coming next," I muse, noting the expression on his face.

"You wound me, Princess."

"There it is."

A voice crackles over the comms on my uniglass. Scarlett.

"Galatea, do you copy?"

I tap my uniglass through my breast pocket. "I read you, Scarlett. What's up?"

"Aurora's awake, and we're docking soon. Are you with Finian?"

"That I am, Red," Finian remarks over my shoulder. "We'll be up soon."

"Roger that. See you soon then."

The comms click off. Finain stands with a groan, offering his hand. I take it, heaving myself up. It was nice to finally have a moment of peace after the turmoil of the day's earlier events. Peace which I assumed would probably end the second we're back on the bridge. On the World Ship.

I trudge up to the bridge, taking my time. Finian waits for me at the bottom and tops of stairs, remarking about how slow I am. But even I notice he slows his strides slightly to try and fall in time with me.

STARDUST, aurora rising | f. de seelWhere stories live. Discover now