□ Chapter Five

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It took us six hours to reach this forsaken planet, and already we've been trapped onboard for another two. As much as this is a serious occasion, it's dreadfully boring, and there's been little to nothing to entertain myself with other than my uniglass.

Scarlett's been trying to persuade the Syldrathi leader holo-projection for the past two hours. Finian and I's work still flickers off to the side, and even from where I'm leaning against the wall, I can see Scarlett consult the list every now and then.

I was never good with diplomacy. I thought Scarlett knew what she was doing, but watching the blinking 'MISSILE LOCK' over our displays- well, it's a little unnerving.

Tyler didn't so much as join the negotiations as he simply kept Finian out of the way. Anytime the Betraskan opened his mouth, he shot him a smouldering glare that shut him up pretty quickly.

Finian leans in close to whisper something in my ear.

"Is it just me or does Taneth what'shisname look like he's about to go into cardiac arrest?"

"Don't be mean, he's our elder," I whisper back, keeping my voice as low as I can, lips threatening to quirk into a smile.

"If he keeps yelling like that," Finian sucks a breath in from barred teeth that flash in a grin. "It's going to be two feet in the grave."

"That's definitely not the saying."

"Ah, I don't know," Finian mutters, waving a dismissive hand. "All Terran sayings sound the same."

Everyone's begun to move in the room, and the light of the hologram has flickered out. Scarlett stands with one hand on her popped hip and a triumphant smile on her red lips. Her gaze flickers over us, looking us up and down as she gestures us to move with everyone else.

"You two have got awfully buddy-buddy," She notes.

"No, never," Finian remarks. He's teasing again, and his words are clearly dramatized. He places a hand on my head and shakes it twice firmly. "Obviously we still despise each other's guts."

"And handwriting," I add, nudging him in the ribs and ducking out of the way of his hand, scrambling to Scarlett's side. The Betraskan pouts at me.

"Anyway, what's happening?" He asks, turning back to Scarlett. "Can't say I've been keeping up to date."

"Come on. We're boarding," She informs. "Back to your commands."

Finian salutes with two fingers. Not in an addressing manner, but almost as if to say he understands. He meanders off with his suit whirring and clicking.

"You're really good at the whole…" I trail off, gesturing to the commands where First Taneth had been projected only moments ago.

Scarlett puffs up a little, smiling pridefully. "Thank you. It is my job after all." She pauses. "Though, those Waywalkers are tough nuts to crack."

"Well, yeah, the missile lock warning was er..."

Scarlett bursts out laughing. "I was terrified when I saw that."

"Legionnaire Jones. Legionnaire Espina." Tyler's voice shakes us out of our conversation. "To your commands."

"Yessir," I respond with a practiced salute. The redhead before me simply just waves her hand and nods towards the controls.

"Shall we?"

I nod and follow behind her, breaking off to sit at my controls and buckle myself in.

The airlock groans open and Scarlett is the first to step off.

The landing docks have maybe six Syldrathi waiting for us, including First Taneth at the lead. Scarlett walks up to him, and carefully raises her fingers to her eyes, lips, and then heart in an odd greeting.

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