□ Chapter Fourteen

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The GIA agent pulls it's mask off and I nearly drop dead. I clutch a hand over my heart, gasping for breath.

A curse escapes my lips. "Zila! You scared the living Maker out of me!"

"Apologies," She says nonchalantly.

"Did you and Kaliis have to make it that dramatic? I was genuinely worried there for a moment."

She shrugs. "Again. My apologies." She then produces a second GIA helmet and hands it to me. "We still need to catch up to the other Legionnaires."

I pinch my forehead, taking the helmet and making my way inside.

I catch sight of the rivulets of pink blood coming from Finian's brow, and I can't help but move to him.

"Finian?" I kneel beside him, gently shaking him. His suit looks a little worse for wear, as does he, but he's still breathing.

His black eyes flicker open, blearily landing on me.

"Am I dying?" He asks after a dramatic pause.

"No, you sook." I shake my head, managing to smile. "And if you're lucky you're not dying for a long time."

"Pity, I thought you were an angel."

I flick his forehead.

"Ow. Nope. Definitely still alive."

"Legionnaire Espina." I glance up at Kaliis voice. He stands over me, looking askance. "You best get ready. I will make sure he is alright."

I stand, nodding. "Thank you, Kaliis." I turn to pick up the robe Zila floats to me. I pause, smiling at him. "Oh, and I don't really think you're a smarmy bastard."

Kaliis' gaze softens, if not only fractionally before he turns and steps in front of Finian, offering me some privacy, despite the fact it's unnecessary. I wasn't about to strip in the middle of Dariel's flat.

My gaze slides to the GIA bodies drifting in the room. Dariel's taken to gawking at them, and I suppose I have to.

"What's wrong with them?" I ask quietly.

No one answers.

It's harder than it looks, getting dressed in zero grav. I'm glad for the magboots to say the least. I put the grey robe on first, giving the call that I'm decent. I fit the featureless mask over my face before turning to Zila.

"Let's go."

I ignore the bodies.

We return to Bianchi's, making headway to his office. Everyone turns a blind eye to us, hurrying to get out our way.

We seem to enter at the right time. Bianchi has Tyler pinned. Aurora and Catherine look stressed, and Scarlett looks ready to throw a punch.

"No firing in here please, gentlemen," I remark, gliding into the room in what I hope is a convincing act.

Bianchi bellows something in Chellerian. He points at the spattered remains of his precious pet. A shame that we were the cause of its extinction. Glad it wasn't the cause of ours.

"And we appreciate that, Mr. Bianchi," I continue with a swift gesture of my hand. "But as we explained, this asset is of vital importance to Terra. We would prefer that she did not become collateral damage in your fit of pique."

The Chellerian steps forward to loom over me. I swallow thickly, clenching my jaw and trying not to flinch.

"This is my ship. My world. You have no jurisdiction here, hoo-maaan."

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