Mirrors and Phoebe's Flashback

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"Tae! Kookie! I missed you!" Abbie exclaimed as she hugged the boys. Joan instantly ran up to them.

"I made you this!" She said, almost yelling, as she handed all of them mirrors.

"A... mirror... that's nice of you..." Jungkook said hesitantly.

"It's not an ordinary mirror. I've enchanted them with a spell so we can use them to communicate! It's something like a video call the Muggles use!" Her eyes glimmered with excitement as she started to ramble on and on about what spell she used, how to make it and so on.

"Stop blabbering and tell us how to use it already," Ariyana said, impatiently.

"You tap your wand on it and say 'Nakama'. It's Japanese for friends, crew, people you trust and so on." The mirror gave a golden glimmer. "Then you just say a person's or a few people's names and their mirror will glow. Like so. Asshole." Ariyana's mirror glowed.

"You little- just wait until I get my hands on you," Ariyana growled as the rest of them burst into laughter.

"You can't do that if you can't catch me!" Joan yelled before setting off in a run towards the Ravenclaw table.

"Brat!" Ariyana yelled.

"You know she can't hear you, right?" Jungkook snickered as Ariyana glared at him before going to the Slytherin table.

"We better go too, Tae, Es," Abbie said. "See ya, Kook."

They quickly found their normal spots before the Headmistress' annual speech.

"Hey Hobi! Had a nice summer?" Abbie said to her fellow teammate.

"Oh, hi guys!" he said with his famous smile. "I did have a nice break. I did lots of practise too!"

"Me too! The other houses don't stand a chance!" Abbie met Headmistress McGonagall's eye and lowered her voice, "We should probably be more quiet." At that moment, her, Esther's and Taehyung's mirror glowed. They quickly picked it up to see a few faces.

"The speech is going on forever," Jungkook groaned.

"It's only been two minutes," Ariyana said.

"I know! I'm gonna fall asleep soon."

"Same here."

"We can't do anything about that."

Hoseok leaned over to her. "You gotta stop talking to your mirror. People are going to think you're crazy." He looked at the mirror. "Hi Joan. Wait... Joan?"

"You like my new communication mirrors? I made them by myself."

Hoseok was about to respond but something caught his attention.

"Abbie, who is that?" he asked her. She followed his gaze to the teachers' table. There was a new face amongst all the familiar ones. The woman looked like she was in her 30s. Her mouth was frowning slightly and her long blonde hair was like a curtain, covering her pale face. Her eyes, one blue, one green, were staring coldly at all the students.

"Whoever it is, I do not like her."

"There will be a new Transfiguration professor this year. Our previous one has retired. Please welcome Proffesor Jamie Oliver," McGonagall announced, followed by clapping.

"That teacher looks mean." Esther hummed in agreement.

"She might not be that bad, right?" Taehyung asked.

"Only time will tell," Phoebe said.

"Without further ado, let the feast begin!" The empty plates on the tables instantly filled themselves.

"Yesss! Finally!" Jungkook exclaimed. "Bye guys! Food first! Chat later!" Jungkook's face faded and disappeared.

"Me too! I'm hungry." One by one, their faces disappeared from the screen.


Phoebe put down her mirror and sighed, looked at all the chatting students around her. All were talking with their friends, all except her. It's not that she was an unfriendly person, she just couldn't make friends with them easily. No matter how kind she was, she was just the girl that everybody knew but, at the same time, didn't know.

Luckily I have friends in other houses, she thought, if not I would be sitting alone for every class! She moodily stabbed at her food.

"Hey, Manchester!" A cheery voice said. "How was your break?" She looked up to see the male fifth-year Gryffindor prefect.

"It was okay," she replied and continued eating.

"You know, you should socialise more," he said while piling his plate up with more food.

"I do socialise. It's just that I don't fit in."

"Don't think that way. Everyone can find their own group of friends."

"I already have my group," she said. She became quiet once more as she remembered that day...


A second-year Phoebe walked out of the Charms classroom. She turned a corner and banged into someone.

"Ah, what the f- I mean, sorry. I didn't see where I was going," a voice from under her said. She pulled herself up to see a Ravenclaw boy, still dazed from the fall.

"I'm so sor-," he started, but was cut off.

"Jeon Jungkook! Wait for us!"

"You only run this fast for foo-" Phoebe just stared as two girls tumbled over the boy who was still on the floor.

"Ah fuck!"

"That's why I always tell you not to run," a Hufflepuff girl said as she and two others walked up to them.

"Blame Jeon!" The two girls on the floor said in unsion.

"Guys, if you had been paying attention, I actually knocked into someone and was about to apologise before you idiots knocked into me," the Ravenclaw, presumably Jeon, grumbled before pushing the two girls off him and standing up. "Continuing what I was saying before I was rudely interrupted. I'm so sorry, are you alright?"

"Well, what do you think?" Phoebe replied, without meaning to. It just slipped out.

"Damn, I like her," the dark skinned said, brushing off the dust from her robes. "My name is Ariyana Jordan and this," she gestured to the other girl who fell down, "is Abbie Harlow." Abbie gave a small wave. Ariyana continued, "The fat ass that knocked you down is Jeon Jungkook." This statement earned a little "Hey!" from Jungkook. "And those behind are Kim Taehyung, Esther Sawyer and Joan Valeron." After she finished, she stared at Phoebe, waiting for her to introduce herself.

"Ermm... Hi. I'm Phoebe Manchester."

"Well, Phoebe Manchester, I think we will get along just fine," Abbie said. "Let's get to the Grand Hall before all the food finishes."

"How about you sit with us?" Joan suggested.

"She probably has other friends to sit with."

"I actually don't."

"OK then, it's settled. Welcome to our group," Joan said happily.

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