Adventures Should Be Shared

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"Jordan!" Professor Flitwick's voice snapped the girl out of her daydream. "How many times do I have to tell you not to daydream in class!"

"So what?"

"Ms. Jordan, 20 points from Slytherin for daydreaming and your attitude."

Phoebe elbowed her and whispered, "What is wrong with you?!"

"It just slipped out!"

"Didn't realise you were the type to talk back to the professors," a smooth voice said from beside them. They both turned to see Jimin facing them.

"I didn't mean to." Jimin smirked.

"Haven't I told you I like bad girls?"

"I meant that! I totally meant that!" Phoebe mentally facepalmed and let out a disapproving sigh at her friend's comment.

"Do you want to sit next to each other at History of Magic later?"


"MISS JORDAN!" Ariyana quickly apologised and turned to Jimin, wide-eyed.

"I guess I'll take that as a yes," Jimin said then laughed. As soon as class ended, Ariyana waved Phoebe goodbye and followed Jimin into the History of Magic classroom. The walk was mostly silent except for the sound of their footsteps and the other students' chitter chatter.

"Do you think there is something hidden in this school?" Jimin suddenly asked, breaking the silence.

Ariyana fiddled with her fingers. Her thoughts running wild. Should I... tell him? He won't tell anyone... would he?

"I mean this castle is huge. There must be something." He leaned in to her. "Don't you think so?"

"Actually, there's a..." She bit her bottom lip, cursing at herself for saying that.

Jimin rose an eyebrow. Did she know something? If she did, he knew how to get it out of her. He leaned closer, voice almost a whisper in her ear. "There's a what? You can tell me." Ariyana's heart was thumping in her chest. She tried not to say it but...

"T-There's a riddle in Hogwarts," she blurted out. Her eyes grew wide and slapped a hand over her mouth as she realised what she said.

Jimin's eyebrows rose in curiosity. "Riddle? There's a riddle?"

Urghhh... they're gonna kill me. Fuck it. The cat's already out of the bag. "Yeah, there's a riddle about a weapon left by the founders inside Hogwarts."

"Interesting... You found it?"

"Yes, all by myself," she lied. She placed her hand on the cold metal of the doorknob. "It's somewhere inside a place that can only be found if someone wants an adventure." They entered the class and sat down at the seats right at the back.

"Time for a nap," Jimin said, earning a laugh from Ariyana. I should probably tell Yoongs. It would benifit the both of us if we found it.


Namjoon walked through the noisy corridor. No one was paying him any attention but he didn't mind. He was used to it. It was peaceful to be undisturbed in his own thoughts and easier to concentrate when studying but it can be quite boring at times.

He walked past two Slytherins, not paying any attention until a part of their conversation caught his ear.

"...riddle in Hogwarts." He paused, deciding whether to eavesdrop or to just walk away. He decided to do the former. While walking behind the two, he recognised one as Ariyana Jordan, the Quidditch commentator, and the other as Park Jimin, the boy who was always seen with Min Yoongi.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2020 ⏰

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