The Room of Requirement

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Taehyung took out the book during breakfast and kept rereading the words over and over again. He read about a place like that before but just can't remember.

"Hi Taehyung! What are you reading? " Hoseok's voice broke through the morning silence, causing the boy to lift up his head and face the elder with a happy smile.

"Good morning, Hobi hyung! It's this new book we found in the library. Not really new, it's kinda old but we just found it and haven't checked it out yet so it's old and new!"

"Can I see?"

"Yea, but you can't tell anyone. This talks about a riddle about a weapon in Hogwarts! This part says that someone could only find it if they wanted an adventure. I know I've seen it somewhere but I don't know where." Taehyung sighed glumly. "Probably with Abbie or Joan. They usually just keep reading stuff."

Hoseok leaned over and read the section. He hummed as he thought.

"It sounds quite familiar." He snapped his fingers. "I got it! Professor Longbottom mentioned something like that. Ask him about Dumbledore's Army the next time you have his class and he will be more than happy to share."

"Great! I got his class later. Thanks hyung!"

=͟͟͞͞( •̀д• )))

"Hurry up! We're going to be late!"

"My legs are going to fall off," Taehyung gasped between breaths.

"No time to talk! Just run!" Other student who saw them run past instantly understood. It has only been two weeks and the new Professor has already gotten a nickname from the students. Professor Oliver the Unforgiving. The reason for this is because she had no tolerance for any rule breaking, especially tardiness, and handed out detentions for mere misbehaviour. But the way she teaches is another matter entirely. Her lessons were quite fun and the students forgot how cold she was once the class started. The five turned the corner but Taehyung slid and slammed onto the wall. Jungkook quickly grabbed his arm and pulled him up. They dashed into the Transfiguration classroom before slamming the door behind them.

"Oww... That hurt," Taehyung whined, rubbing his head.

"That was close."

The door slammed open and the subtle click-clack of high heels could be heard. The once noisy students fell silent as they felt the professor's cold eyes staring at them.

"I'm pretty sure a few of you came in just before me. Can they please stand up?" She asked, her tone icy. Nobody moved a muscle. They just shot quick glances at the five that just came in.

Professor Oliver pursed her lips. "Anyone care to tell?" Some student were tempted to say something but didn't because they had learnt their lesson about snitching on those few. The professor narrowed her eyes. "Nobody? Then ten points from Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw."

"What?! That's not fair!" A Ravenclaw boy yelled from the back of the class.

"I suggest you sit down before I make that ten more points!" The boy slunk back into his seat, giving the two Ravenclaws and three Hufflepuffs the stink eye, which Jungkook returned with a deadly glare.

Taehyung placed his hand on Jungkook's arm, making Jungkook turn to him. With a hushed tone said, "Enough, Kook. We can't get into trouble."

"Kim!" The professor suddenly yelled, making everyone jump. "Can you tell me what an animagus is?"

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