The Start of It All

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"How was detention last night?" Joan asked, half laughing.

"Don't talk to me for at least an hour," Jungkook yawned and stretched, causing the girl who was sleeping on his shoulder to fall off and bang her head on the table.

"Ow!" Abbie woke up with a jolt, rubbing her head where it got hit.

"Awake now?"

"Shut up, Jordan."

"Is it just me, or is Park staring at us?" Esther asked. Abbie spotted him out of the corner of her eye.

"He wants something," Abbie mumbled. Not long after, he got up and started walking towards them. "Don't look, he's coming over." All of their heads turned. Abbie facepalmed and hissed, "I told you guys not to look."

"Then you shouldn't have told us."

"Morning," Jimin said and took a seat next to them. Without waiting for them to respond,he continued, "Professor Longbottom gave us so much homework on the first week."

"What do you want Park?"

Jimin smirked. "Can I copy your homework tomorrow?"

"Not a cha-"

"I wasn't talking to you." Jimin faced Ariyana. "You'll let me copy your homework, won't you Jordan?" Ariyana's eyes were wide and nodded quickly without thinking. Jimin grinned at her and walked back to the Slytherin table, towards Yoongi. Ariyana looked at the others, who were staring at her in disbelief.


"You... just agreed... to let Park... copy the homework we haven't even started on."

"Oh shit!"

"Hey! Bad word," Taehyung said. Ariyana ignored him.

"I'm in deep shit, aren't I?" All of the others nodded and Ariyana sighed. "Have any of you done the homework?" Four people nodded. They were Esther, Phoebe, Taehyung and Joan. "Let me copy, please."

"You want to copy our homework that you will let someone else copy?"

"I don't mind letting you copy my homework. I just don't want someone else copying off my work."

"Isn't copying wrong?"

"Not gonna let you copy. You have to learn not to make promises you can't keep."

"What should I do?"

"Kook and I will help you. We'll have to spend our lunch at the library but that's the only way."

"WHAT?! You want me to spend my lunch at the library?!" Jungkook looked horrified.

"Relax, I'll sneak some sandwiches inside for you."

"Only sandwiches?"

"Fine. And banana milk."

"Deal! I'll see you two there!"

"I want to come too! I'm not sure if my answers are correct so I'll go to check!" Taehyung exclaimed.

( ^・ω・^)

"Chim, are you sure you want to trust Jordan with your homework?"

"She'll have it done. I'm sure of it."

"How's your dorm mates?"

"They're dicks, as usual." Jimin sighed. "Still better than home, I guess."

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