27: They Call Her The Pretty Sister

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Shoutout to FedorableStumpies for making this super cute banner that I'm obsessed with! <3

Thanksgiving break, though only four days, was much needed. Spending it back home with my parents and Faith proved to be the perfect solution to get over the little riff in all our relationships. Since the entire production crew also went back to California to enjoy the mini-vacation with their loved ones, there weren't any side distractions while we celebrated the holiday with a family Thanksgiving lunch.

Luckily, me and Dad were able to convince Mom that it'd be appropriate to have an actual turkey this year. Yeah - we've gone our whole lives without having a turkey on the table for any holiday. Ever.

She resisted hard, but eventually gave in when I reminded her that I wouldn't be able to spend Christmas with them and that this could serve as an early Holiday present. Holding this against her was pure evil, but I had everyone (else's) best intentions at heart. From the way that Faith and Dad nearly sucked the meat dry from every bone of the poor bird, I'd say playing the Holiday card on my Mom was completely worth it.

As expected, I devoured every inch of the Thanksgiving lunch feast, not even caring that mom's cranberry sauce basically tasted like sour liquid goo since she decided against adding any sugar whatsoever. Conversation was pleasant and easy, surprisingly. No one threw any fits or tantrums and any sign of a minor side comment, mom and dad were quick to shut down with cold glares.

"Where are you headed for tonight, Love?" Mom asked subtly as she set down a tray of warm pumpkin pie after the heavy meal.

"Chris' house," I answered robotically, licking my lips.

"Nice," Faith snorted and muttered under her breath.

"Are they having a family dinner?" Dad asked after shooting Faith an unamused glare.

I shook my head gladly at this. "No. His parents are on call at the hospital tonight so it's just going to be the two of us. They're celebrating a family lunch as well."

"He isn't going to cook for you, is he?" Mom cocked her head to the side.

I paused, not having thought of this occurrence beforehand. "Actually, I have no idea. I imagine so, but I don't think he knows how to cook."

"You don't know if your own boyfriend knows how to cook? Hasn't he been courting you for months now?" Faith lowered her head at me.

"Who say's 'courting' anymore? Why don't you just say dating?" I frowned at her ridiculousness.

"I apologize for the lack of propriety in your speech. I should have known better than to think you were capable of understanding language of such...high standard."

"Oh my God..." I muttered.

The rest of lunch ended well, with the exception of the hard side-eye Faith was throwing at me. I knew it irked her that my dinner plans were with Chris, but at this point, whatever she had to say about it went in one ear and out the other.

After a well-deserved nap and about twenty minutes deciding between snoozing the alarm I had set and drifting back to sleep, once seven o'clock rolled around, I headed over to the Logan household. A part of me did wish that his parents were able to make it for the sole reason of finally being able to meet them. I was, after all, a close friend and a girlfriend to each of their sons. I'd say I was an important figure in their children's lives and they deserved to know who I was. I wanted to make a good impression on them, more than the perspective they've deduced from watching the show.

We all know that the side of me people watch on television isn't nearly as close to the truth to the person I truly am.

Despite the fact that I'd only be spending my time with Chris, I still wanted to look presentable. I sucked in what I had eaten for lunch and stepped into a knit sweater dress, leggings, boots, and a coat. My hair was already up from earlier today (nothing gets in the way of me and food), as was my makeup. I know I didn't have to look anything special today, but when you're dating the most popular guy at school, something inside makes you want to meet certain appearance expectations.

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