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They both start walking outside without knowing where to go, just walking with their heads filled with thoughts like:

🔻"Curing his bee-ness seems kinda hard.."

🔷"How do I make him like me back?"

🔻"I must cure him before he kills me"

🔷"Maybe if I give him weapons he'll like me?"

🔻"Or before the bees get me..."

🔷"nah that's too dangerous..."

Dib decides to break the silence:

🔷"So, any plans to conquer earth lately?"

🔻"I.. None, actually"

🔷"Huh? Why not?"


He scratches the back of his head

🔻"I kinda... quitted being an invader"

Dib stops walking out of shock. He turns to Zim and asks him in a mound voice:


Zim, as ridiculously careless he can get with things like informing Dib, just shrugged


Dib continues to speak, with a more calm tone now but not quite free of his anxiety yet

🔷"That means..."

With his emotions building up he calmly concluded his thought

🔷"we don't need to be enemies anymore"


Zim asked a bit disappointed with the idea. Dib smiles at the realization that he can become Zim's boyfriend without a sad ending! He quickly calms himself down to not freak out the alien.

🔷"So, Why did you quit?"

🔻"Meh. Got bored"

🔷"You got bored. And just like that you quit something you adored?"

🔻"I just didn't feel the same spark it used to give me you know?"

🔻"haven't felt a rush of emotions trying to conquer earth in a long time. The adrenaline is just gone. So now I focus on tormenting other planets"

He said the last part with a happier tone than the first part. Poor Dib is weak to the alien's happy smile accompanied by such a violent comment.

🔻"But we don't have to stop being enemies"

🔷"Huh? Why not??"


These two aren't walking. They're standing underneath the single functioning light pole on the street

🔻"I realized the thrill I felt while performing my evil plans wasn't because I wanted to conquer earth, or please the tallest, or hear people scream (that was still nice tho), or anything like that"

Zim was so fluently speaking out his mind that it seemed as if words formed naturally. His voice gentle, not as usual.

🔻"Those things seemed small compared to the spark I felt when fighting with you"

He concluded calmly, resting his gaze on Dib, who had a beet red,steaming face. He attempted to tell Zim the spark was mutual but instead he became a stuttering mess. Failing to speak, Dib began to sweat
Zim's confession was too perfect for Dib. Even if it wasn't a love confession Dib felt as if it were something greater.
Small unaware-of-how-romantic-his-words-sounded Zim is getting a bit concerned on the human's reaction

Vampire bee:🐝 careful 🍯~Where stories live. Discover now