Black And White By MadMoo123

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The Council gathers today to judge Black and White. To start us off the Council would like to say that the Mom character is super #suspicious and Amaya needs to be on guard around her. 

The Leader of the Council would like to mention that the writing style is quite enjoyable. The Council thinks the action scenes were very exciting. Council Member #7 thinks it was very cool how the "Run, if the creature's eyes lose their whites, run." was repeated throughout the first few chapters.

At this point in the gathering, Council Member #2 began banging their fists on an imaginary table and shouting "More of the servant woman! More of the servant woman!". The chant quickly took up the entire chamber, and the Council gathering had to be stopped for a brief recess. 

When all had finally settled down, the discussion moved to the dinner scene. Council Member #4 was most interested in this scene and very much enjoyed getting a longer look into Amaya's thoughts. #4's favorite part was the description of the woman on the throne. It was followed by the close second of Amaya's tension during the talk about "The Games". 

Council Members then voted on their favorite quotes from the book. It was split evenly, five to five, on these two quotes. "I hope karma comes to kick the boy in the ass." and "'Watch the hands, Mister.' I growl..." The Leader decided that the quote about karma and kicking people in the ass was her favorite. 

 The Council would like to acknowledge the attempted suicide scene and would like to say it was actually scary. On that note, Council Member #2 began chanting "Protect servant woman 2k19!" and the chanting, again, took over the whole chamber. The gathering was delayed, again, and the Leader of the Council was quite angry, though she supported the chant. 

The Council's final sentiment was the book was good so far and was ready for more. "Let it be known that the gathering leaves you all with the recommendation to read this book and give them some positivity!".


Go check out Madmoo123, as they have one other book that is also good! Madmoo123 was also the one who designed our cover, so big thanks!


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