if it makes you (happy) - OrangeJULIUS

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The Council gathers today to judge "if it makes you (happy)".  The opening statement is... it's awesome. The first chapter is very informative, but not in a boring way. It is written in such a way the informative parts are quite enticing. 

As The Leader of the Council opened the floor to discussion on all chapters, Council Member #6 was the first to speak, saying "The overall character dynamic starts off strong in Sterling, and the relationships are set up well." 

That comment was followed by agreement before another Council Member, Member #4 said, "The whole idea of the seer's and being bounded to the first person they touch is very interesting, and sets the future plot up well. The relationship between the brother's, though only briefly touched on, is very interesting and well-thought-out." 

Next, the focus moved to the second chapter. Council Member #2 was mad that the Grandpa was a little rude in a few parts of the chapter, but otherwise enjoyed all of Sterling's inner thoughts. They liked the writing style and the flow of the chapters. 

The third chapter was quite dicey, and the man with the blue hair was named the council's favorite character. The introduction to the blue-haired man was quite enjoyable and gives him quite the mysterious aura. Sterling's reaction to the man is wonderful and pleasing to read. 

Next up was the last current chapter, chapter four. This chapter also had a good flow, and the council liked the way the Grandfather character warmed up to Sterling a little. The author did a good job portraying everything in this book.

And with a resounding "Go in peace.", the second meeting of the Council of the Cat Ladies was finished. 


Everyone go check out OrangeJULIUS, especially their book "if it makes you (happy)". Show them some love, they deserve it!


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