Chapter 19 - The Winner

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All the smoke dissipated. Izuku released Blackwhip from your arms. You rubbed your jaw, the pain of Izuku's hit finally manifesting. "Ow," you said quietly to the ground.

It took a moment for you to really hear the surrounding crowd. You had been so focused on nothing but Izuku and the fight. They were cheering. They were chanting your name. You scanned the arena, so many people on their feet. You found Class A. The crew was jumping up and down. Kaminari had leapt into Sero's arms. You felt your eyes well up with tears.

"Congrats [y/n]." Izuku stood beside you, a sad smile on his usually jolly face.

"I won," you said, almost more of a question than a statement.

"Yeah. You did." He scratched the back of his neck.

"Do either of you require medical attention?" A med-bot rolled up to your left side.

"My jaw please," you answered quietly, sending Izuku a look that it wasn't a big deal. The boy looked abashed. The med-bots brought a gurney out for you but you waved it away, insisting you were fine to walk.

You took one last look at the boisterous crowd and waved. The screams grew louder. You wanted to remember what it felt like to be a winner. You were going to the finals! You were going to...oh God. You were going to face Bakugou.


Recovery girl sent you to your waiting room fifteen minutes later. Your jaw felt like new and any of the other scuffs and bumps you had gained from your two previous fights had disappeared under her care.

They had announced there would be a half hour until the finale. As much as you had dreamed of getting to this point, you didn't actually think it would be in your grasp. Fifteen minutes until you would know if you were the best. Fifteen minutes until you had to face off against the hardest opponent you'd ever battled. You tried to slow your breathing.

A light tapping on the door pulled you from your thoughts.

"Can I come in?" It was Todoroki. He had a few bandages on his face and hands, a crutch under his left arm.

"Of course." You pulled out a chair before walking to the door and supporting his other side.

"It's really not that bad," he protested, but you stayed close before lowering him into the chair.

"You know, seeing you is not giving me a whole lot of confidence in this last match." You tried to make your voice sound light and effortless, like you weren't panicking inside. You pulled out the seat across from him but then pushed it back in. You couldn't sit down. You had too much nervous energy. Ten minutes.

"That's why I'm here. Tell me what you're planning and I'll try to help." He watched you pace back and forth, his eyes following your darkened form.

"I've fought him so many times without quirks and I've never won," you exhaled after a long pause. "I know he's going to go all out with his explosions and I have to do the same with my smoke, but if this thing comes down to close combat..."

"I remember the first time I saw you use your smoke in battle." Todoroki's calm voice soothed you slightly. You stopped pacing and stared at him. "You were fast and sharp and amazing. You were fearless. You took him on without ever seeing him fight and you knocked him on his ass." A blush crept up your neck. "Go back to then. Go back to him being just a flashy asshole with a superiority complex and you being the new girl with an amazing quirk and something to prove."

He stood and slowly walked to the opposite side of the table, sitting on its edge. He grabbed your hand, drawing small circles on the back of it with his thumb. You both stared down at that hand for a long moment.

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