Chapter 10 - Softie

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Bang bang bang. Go away. You curled into your blankets.

Bang bang bang. If I ignore them, they'll leave.


"What?!" you hissed as you threw open your door. Bakugou looked down at your disheveled appearance, a faint blush crossing his cheeks.

"Put on some pants Ashtray. It's time to train." He left the door open as he walked down the hall, leaving you staring at an empty door frame with serious bedhead and a naked lower half, having only worn an oversized T-shirt to sleep. You groaned as you closed the door, quickly brushed your teeth and threw on a simple green tank and black workout leggings.

He was already stretching when you walked out the back door a few minutes later, throwing daggers with your tired eyes. "Why are we getting up at five?" you tried to sound harsh, but a yawn escaped your lips on the last word.

"Because winners don't fuck around. Now fight me." You perked up.

"Excuse me?" The boy's hands sparked and popped, sounding deafening in the silent morning air. You thrust out a weak tendril, wrapping it around both his wrists and pulling sharply downward before rasping, "We can't do this here you idiot. The sun's not even up. And besides, we can't use our quirks out of designated gyms."

He tugged on the faint strand and broke out of the hold easily. "No quirks." He smiled smugly. Bakugou had at least six inches and twenty kilos of pure muscle over you. Of course he would suggest something so base.

"So, you just woke up early this morning and wanted to punch a girl?" you said, the sarcasm rich on your tongue.

"I know you're strong. Let's see you move without that goddamn smoke," he challenged. You could see the growing fire in his eyes. He wanted to train, but he also wanted to best you. Well, touché buddy. You got into a fighting stance. Bakugou cracked his neck and rolled his shoulders before mimicking your footing. "Ready?"

You shot forward, dropping low, going for the shins to bring him down. You wouldn't be able to handle his height and weight from standing. He did fall, but kicked up with his right foot, which landed squarely in your stomach, sending you over his head and somersaulting several paces behind. You groaned but quickly got up, regaining your stance as the blond smoothly kicked up, landing on his feet from his reclined position. He wore a wicked smile.

This time he charged toward you, a wide right hook missing your ear by millimeters. With his side vulnerable, you brought your knee up to his ribs and heard an audible grunt as he pushed back. The fact that you'd gotten a solid hit seemed to piss him off. He came at you with a sweeping roundhouse kick which connected with your shoulder and sent you flying to the ground.

Before you could even breathe, he was on top of you, pinning both of your arms above your head. You wrapped your foot around Bakugou's ankle and with the momentum of your hips, tossed him to the side enough to release your body, finally yanking your wrists painfully from his hold. He growled, that devilish smile still on his face.

He stood. With you still on the ground, he tried rounding toward you again. On all fours, you planted a strong back kick into his kneecap, causing him to stumble. You grabbed one of his arms, already facing the ground in an attempt to brace his fall, and yanked it hard behind his back, flipping him over onto his front. Then, with all your weight, you crashed down on him. His stomach to the ground, you pinned the still captured arm behind his back and then grabbed for the other. He writhed free of your hold and used the free elbow to crack you in the chin. Fuck! You saw stars.

It had given him enough time to roll over on top of you, changing your positions, this time pinning both your arms and legs with his own. You tried to throw him, but it was no good. He could sense your frustration as he smirked down at your helpless form.

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