Chapter 25 - Operation Hermes

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Fat Gum called you all into his office early the next morning. The additional headset drop-off incident had boosted Fat Gum's enthusiasm to get surveillance on the building as soon as possible.

"We've looked over all the blueprints and camera feeds and have a surveillance plan," Shouji stated. "I can walk the perimeter of the building and use my additional eyes to discern if any unusual packages are coming and going, and my ears to listen for suspicious conversations."

"What are the rest of you going to do?" Fat Gum asked, turning to you, Kirishima and Bakugou.

"I've been putting an action plan together in case we need to get in and out of the office," you spoke up. "We don't know why the coms are important yet, but something seems off about the operation. The man Ground Zero and I bumped into last night looked shaken when we called out to him. I think we can expect that there will be more packages and the couriers may not be delivering of their own free will."

"Unfortunately, carrying boxes with earpieces isn't a crime," Bakugou added. "Before we can make any move on these guys, we need to see or hear them doing something illegal. Red Riot and I will tail any potential couriers to see their drop off locations, and hopefully who's picking them up."

"You are not to engage unless something actually illegal is occurring. Drop-offs aren't exactly against the law either," Fat Gum warned.

"That's why we'll be taking photographs of the couriers and the people picking up. We'll share them with you and the police at the end of each day and see if any are linked to gangs or villain groups," Kirishima explained.

Fat Gum nodded, pleased you were being smart and careful in your approach. "Alright. I suggest you all get out on the street then." 


"Sir?" A petite woman with long silver blonde hair entered the dimly lit space. She carried a slim, white cane that tapped gingerly on the hard tile floor. The only light in the room shown from half a dozen computer monitors. It made her pale complexion appear green.

"Janus? Come in." The man faced his screens, not turning around at her arrival.

"I have some bad news sir." She stood straight, her shoulders back, her expression giving nothing away. "Last night makes the sixth package to not reach its target. We're now a month behind schedule."

"Hermes failed us again? I didn't want to sever this link in the supply chain, but I suppose we can always find another distributor." The man pinched the bridge of his nose, clearly frustrated at the news.

"It's unfortunate not everyone can appreciate our vision Janus. A lack of brains, a lack of power, a lack of influential upbringing shouldn't lead to the masses being shunned from glory. Heroes are greedy. They don't protect. They just take and take and call it justice. With them gone all those brought low will finally take back the spotlight." The man typed furiously on the keyboard in front of him, his voice cold, detached. Janus nodded obediently if not placatingly, clearly having heard the speech for the umpteenth time.

"I thought Hermes understood that, but I suppose I was wrong. Inform our spineless distributor that he has until midnight to deliver six new packages." A clock appeared on the rightmost monitor.


"Or he will be disposed of." He pressed a button and the clock began to count down.

"And if he succeeds sir?" Janus shifted her weight from foot to foot, looking bored down at her talon-like nails.

"He will be disposed of anyway. You know we don't leave loose ends Janus," a phlegmy chuckle burbled from his lips.

"Yes sir." She grinned.

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