Chapter 47 - Waiting for You

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"Morning." Yaoyorozu scanned you from top to bottom when you finally came down for breakfast after 11 a.m. She was alone in the common room watching the news, everyone else either having a lazy Sunday or already out running errands.

"Did you sleep okay?" She smirked as she brought her teacup to her lips.

Well fuck.

The night hadn't ended with round one and you could only say that you were thankful you didn't have school on Sundays. You weren't sure you'd be very useful for hero training with how sore you were. You were also thankful you could wear layers in the fall. Your body was covered in love bites and even a few bruises from where Bakugou had gripped your hips.

While Bakugou could be loving and sweet, he would also always be the powerful and aggressive asshole you fell in love with. So, true to his nature, he needed to be the best at everything, and well, practice makes perfect.

But waking up wrapped in his arms, your bodies pressed close together staring at your sunrise, everything had felt so right. That was until he suggested a morning session, which you had to politely declined. OK, really you pushed him off the bed and yelled that your vagina needed a break.

The blond boy bounded down the stairs chipper as a bird for how much sleep you'd both gotten and wrapped his arms around your waist from behind.

"Sorry," you whispered to Yaoyorozu, pulling away from Bakugou as you grabbed a cup from the cabinet and filled it with coffee.

"What should you be sorry for?" Bakugou questioned staring between you and Yaoyorozu.

"Just give a girl some heads up and I'll sleep somewhere else." She raised her eyebrows knowingly.

"Ah yeah. Sorry. She's kinda loud." Bakugou jerked a thumb over his shoulder toward you. You could almost feel your soul leave your body.

"I...YOU...YOU CAN'T JUST! UGH!!" You couldn't hold back your bewilderment at his lack of tact and covered your face with your palm. You grabbed your coffee cup and marched back upstairs your face flaming from embarrassment, mumbling under your breath. "Maybe I'll just light myself on fire and forget to extinguish..."

Bakugou's ears perked up as he heard a newscaster begin talking about the Hero Association communication network.


"NO! I'M MAD AT YOU!" your voice bounced down the stairs.

"I'm serious! They're talking about the coms on the news!" At his words you turned from the second-floor landing and hurried back down, your embarrassment from a moment ago lifting as your whole body filled with a new sense of curiosity.

"...take you now to the Tokyo press room with director Kuroya Shirota."

Bakugou lifted the remote from the coffee table and turned up the volume as a woman in a tailored white suit with long silver blonde hair approached the platform. She carried a slim white cane in her left hand which she propped against the podium. Your heart dropped into your stomach as you took in her appearance. A quick glance out of the corner of your eye clearly indicated that Bakugou recognized her too.


"Citizens of Japan, as the new communications director for the Hero Association, I can only say I am appalled to learn that some of our technology has been linked to the recent stone incidents which effected not only our number one hero, Endeavor, but members of our police force, first responders, and even student heroes." She smiled sweetly to the camera and shuffled her papers before continuing.

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