Chapter 52 - The Hacker

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Janus stood on the other side of the door, her appearance nearly back to normal with only her eyes and the top of her head cast in shadows. Her cane was outstretched as the chain-user dragged you into the stairwell. She slammed its end into an exposed point on your stomach and you choked on the cough that begged to escape your lips. Sweat dripped down your forehead. The chain-user sniggered, a smug smirk on his tanned face.

"I was hoping you wouldn't have had such an easy time using someone else's quirk, but it seems you can handle this one just fine," her sickly sweet voice cooed in the tight stairwell. She tugged back your hood, revealing your [h/c] braid, now damp and frayed from the fight. "We can't have that."

Your explosive hands were pinned to your sides, of no use to you. You could hear the melee that still echoed on the other side of the door. Your friends. You feared for them more than for yourself.

"I always thought being squeezed to death would be a rough way to go. Let's find out. Python?" A deranged delight sparked in the chain-user's eyes at her call. You felt the metal constrict around your hips, your stomach, your chest, every second tightening a little more. You could barely breathe.

The door burst open and the dangerous silhouette of Bakugou Katsuki stepped into the space, the smoke of the explosions and fire from the circular room billowing inside and rising up the stairs. His crimson eyes glowed in the haze as they had during your first hero training. He looked ready to destroy. He looked ready to kill.

"Don't worry little boy. We'll handle you next," Janus spat from two steps above you. The base of her cane was open, a stiletto dagger gleaming from its end aimed at the back of your neck.

"Just hold on Cinder. I've got this," he said under his breath.

Bakugou's eyes narrowed even further, taking in your position. He couldn't shock them without electrocuting you. And with that knife at your neck he couldn't risk a frontal assault.

"Oh, that's sweet. But your little friend here isn't going to last much longer," Janus practically giggled. The chain-user squeezed harder and you could feel your ribs were about to crack.

Bakugou's rage bubbled inside him. His hands popped.

His hands popped!

Your eyes grew wide, the last of your air filling your lungs. You caught his gaze and scanned down to his hands. He glanced at his palms and smiled wickedly.

"I think you underestimate her. I made that mistake once," he practically chuckled.

You grinned beneath the metal as your eyes glowed red, your torso instantly lighting into a living inferno. The stiletto at your neck burned red hot, the heat traveling up the length of the cane. Janus screamed, releasing the sizzling object and scurrying several stairs higher.

Above her.

The chains dropped from your body, and you stood a step above Janus. You released thick, wild tendrils at the pale woman. They gripped around her torso and you yanked hard on your ropes, crashing her head into the wall of the stairwell where she collapsed like a rag-doll.

Allowing your eyes to return to normal you looked up, only in time to see Bakugou send a tight blast to Python's chest before connecting a violent elbow to his temple. You exhaled as Bakugou dropped the man beside Janus' limp body.

You rubbed your sides, newly bruised from the chains. With all the adrenaline rushing through your body you weren't sure if you'd broken a rib or two. Bakugou saw the tender way you massaged your waist and swallowed hard. He could have lost you again. But he shook the thought away, the city still in danger.

"CREATI!" Bakugou shouted through the open door. The battle continued to rage inside the circular hall, your friends now all possessing their own quirks. Yaoyorozu appeared in the stairwell a moment later, staring down at her newly bloody knuckles. She must have converted back to her quirk mid-punch. "Tie 'em up."

Kirishima was back on his feet. The paralytic having worn off, he dove at the man holding the katana, who had awoken after your initial blast, snapping the blade in two. Nails and darts from the villain controlling the metal projectiles bounced off Kirishima's hardened form. Bakugou threw the chains left by the unconscious man to his best friend who snatched them greedily from the air and swung them around the nearest villain.

Kaminari sent shooter targets around the room like a clock and was sending out shock after shock, stunning villains one after another. You prayed he wouldn't overdo it and short circuit.

Yaoyorozu quickly pulled a length of rope from her torso, before spooling out a long strip of bandages. "Shouto!" she called out.

"We've got it in here!" You heard Todoroki's winded voice call out. His cuts had been cauterized once his fire returned. He sent a wave of flame toward the fog user, breaking up the mist. "Follow the plan! Find the Hacker and save the city!" You shared glances with Yaoyorozu and Bakugou for half a heartbeat before nodding and pelting up the stairs.


Yaoyorozu pulled strips of fabric from her chest as well as a six-inch splint and began wrapping her fractured wrist. You held the splint in place as you continued to make your way up the stairs to the fourteenth floor, pulling the end of the fabric tight once she completed the wrapping.

Bakugou climbed two steps ahead while you glanced over your shoulder every few seconds to make sure you weren't being followed by any of the villains below.

"Thanks," Yaoyorozu said as she hugged the fractured wrist to her side, her right hand pressed against the smooth stairwell wall for balance. She hadn't fought so physically in a long time and the exertion was weighing on her. You pulled the small flask of oil from her belt and unscrewed the cap before handing it to her. She would need extra lipids if she would aid in taking down the Hacker. The dark-haired girl smiled softly and took the flask, bringing it to her lips. She winced at the slimy texture.

"We're here," Bakugou whispered snapping your attention from your friend. His gauntlets were poised in front of him and he pressed a tentative ear to the door that stood between you and the control room floor. You gulped.

"I don't hear anything." You could barely hear him, instead reading his lips. "You really think he's in there?"

"Definitely. He wouldn't have sent Janus if we weren't close," you whispered back, taking one more glance down the stairs, as if Janus would appear at the mere mention of her name. Bakugou and Yaoyorozu nodded.

"I'll load the sound," Yaoyorozu said. "I'm in no state to fight, but I can mess with the computers," she added when you opened your mouth to argue. You thought on it for a brief moment. You had said you didn't know how to load the shatter sound better than anyone else, so this seemed like as good a plan as any.

Your gaze travelled up to Bakugou to see if he agreed. His eyes looked determined and understanding. He would fight. He would always fight.

You nodded to Yaoyorozu. "Okay. Then we'll take the Hacker."

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