Beaten But Not Broken

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There comes a time in war when the light side is kicked down and suffers defeat at the hand of evil. When hope seems lost, there is always a person to bring hope. Here, that hope is scattered all across Remnant. Blake Belladonna, former White Fang agent is on her way to Menagerie to see her parents and tell them about the attack. Ruby and Yang, along with Team JNPR are pursuing Emerald and Mercury who were last seen in Haven Academy. Ruby, with her new scroll eye can now keep a proper eye on her teammates. Unfortunately, Weiss was still nowhere to be seen.

Dracula, The King of Vampires, was overseeing preparations for new shipments of dust. "This shipment should help the huntsmen and civilians over in Vale. Be careful, pilot." The Atlas pilot nodded as cranes loaded up large boxes filled with different colors of dust into the Bullhead. These bullheads had sturdier metal covering and automated turrets to add extra defense against flying Grimm. Dracula walked away back towards the facility. He entered inside to see a subcategory of Atlestian Knights working on the dust crystals. He walked to an office to see Dr. Polendina on his wheelchair. Pietro Polendina was an older fellow with dark skin and a white beard who sat on a wheelchair with four spider-like legs. He was chubby on nature but that was because of the status of his age. Dracula knocked on the door to which the doctor looked up to see his new boss so he smiled and the door opened.

"Mr. Tepes. It's good to see you." Dracula smiled and sat down and spoke "It's good to see you too, Pietro. How are things?" The doctor pushed up his glasses and handed Dracula a tablet with the statistics of the dust productions as well as the new engineering projects. "Our dust productions are progressing at a steady pace and morale has been boosted up 25%. I've overlooked all the new projects from the engineering team and I must say, these could really help us. Though, I still need you to approve the projects." The King looked over the projects then smiled as he handed back the tablet to the aging scientist. "Tell you what. Have them all approved and funded. You won't need my approval. You're our best engineer to take care of this."

Pietro smiled as he took the tablet then asked "Was there anything else you wish to discuss, sir?" Dracula took a deep breath then revealed "We have her back." Pietro looked up at him with wide eyes "She's here?" Dracula nodded "The Amity Colosseum arrives back in Atlas a couple hours ago. We evaluated it to see Penny was still there." Pietro's eyes filled with tears as he was overjoyed then asked "Can I see her?"

Dracula nodded then stood up as he lead him outside of the facility to see a floating table with a white cloth over, being pushed by two Atlas soldiers. Dracula nodded to which the soldiers pulled away the sheet to reveal Penny's cut up pieces. Pietro grabbed her hands then pressed a button on his glasses which gave him x-ray vision to asses the damage. He sighed of relief as her core was intact.

"Thank the Brothers... Her core was wasn't damaged. We can rebuild her and she won't lose any of her memories. But, she'll remember how she died." Dracula looked at her then spoke "Pyrrha is innocent. We'll explain to her what happened, and who is truly responsible." Pietro nodded then asked "Did James ever tell you about the Embargo? Closing Atlas borders? What is Ironwood thinking?" Dracula shook his head "I don't know, but I think he's got something planned, but can't tell anyone."


In a room illuminated by the shattered, Weiss opened her eyes to see... Her old room? She rubbed her eyes to wipe the grogginess then looked to see it was nighttime. The broken moon shone through to see her desk, her shelf of books along with her lounge couch. She looked to the door then jumped up from her bed to run towards the door when it opened. She expected to see her father or mother but all she got to see was... Her father. "Hello Weiss." Jacques stepped in to which she backed up in fear "J-Jacques!?"

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