The End... For Now

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It is often said that a point in a story, evil triumphs over the light. After Beacon's Fall, things slowly broke apart. All the kingdoms were damaged in a way. All the negativity from the fall had brought Grimm. Many huntsman and huntresses fell to the claws and jaws of the darkened beasts. Vale was collapsing, and barely hanging on by threads. Those threads were the faculty members of Beacon. Mistral was recovering from the Grimm attacks that have accelerated since that fateful night. Vacuo was impossible to tell since it survived solely on independence. Atlas had changed as well.

It's government had collapsed before being turned into a monarchy, at the hand of Dracula. The Schnee Dust Company was disbanded and redone as Tepes Industries. Mantle was seeing improvements through its walls being repaired along with new housing for the homeless and employment for all. People with different educational skills were able to show their talents thanks to Tepes Industries' larger branches in development. Robyn, the Hero of Mantle was working out details with her new King about what other improvements can be made.

Willow was unfortunately not living the dream. For the was pissed. Pissed at her fiance for letting Weiss just leave after getting her back from Jacques just weeks ago. She couldn't cancel their wedding because even she knew she would've done the same thing he'd have done. However, it didn't mean she wasn't still pissed off. Willow retreated to their bedroom, just after screaming at Dracula for 20 minutes straight, and he just took it all. Soon, crying filled the room as she stained the bed sheets with her bloody tears. Dracula entered and quickly embraced his love who could only cry while clutching a picture of Weiss and her sitting together.

Dracula promised her that Weiss will return to Atlas. He believed in his daughter. She believed him, but all she cared was seeing her daughter. Their main line for communication was destroyed when Beacon fell. All that's possible is just within Kingdom communication.


Over in Menagerie, Sun was healing up after the encounter with Ilia. His stomach was showed some scars that resembled lightning strikes. He was back up on his feet and Blake was grateful to see her friend alive. She went through a chest until the flag of the old White Fang was revealed. Blake noticed another flag underneath which revealed to be an entirely new flag. It was a blue flag with the animal now looking up front with axes and swords surrounding it. Blair then remembered the meeting. A new force. One that would be governed by both humans and faunus.

Ghira explained that after the meeting, he and Kali worked on it and wanted to show Dracula the flag after the Vytal Festival. However, the Fall of Beacon stopped everything. Blake then proposed to start without Dracula. To begin recruitment for the New White Fang.


In Mistral, The teams were off doing separate activities.
Ruby laid down on the couch with her head on Weiss's lap as she played with her hair. Yang sat on a chair with her feet on the table, playing a game on her scroll.
Jaune and Pyrrha went to train outside in the patio, which ended with them making out against a wall.
Ren and Nora were outside, exploring the markets before Ren had to drag Nora out after she got a little bit eccentric with some of the market people. Alucard and Sypha explored the kingdom, to experience its culture and their people.

Mercury laid down in his bed, in his cell with nothing but his thoughts.

Emerald, the sadistic serial killer, known as Crimson Emerald hid in the shadows as she licked the blood from her blades. Her latest kill were a couple of teenage hooligans that were butchered without mercy as her singing was the last thing they heard.

Qrow and Trevor were at the bar, having the Vampire Hunter try new alcohol. At one point, Trevor passed out drunk while Qrow chuckled and took a quick sip. He put Trevor's arms around Qrow's neck before turning to see a boy with brown skin, brown hair and yellow green eyes. "I don't think they allow kids in here, pipsqueak." The boy looked to the side and muttered "Shut up, I'm getting there." Qrow narrowed his eyes before the boy asked "Um... I'm supposed to tell you, can I have my cane back?" Qrow was shocked before a warm smiled appeared on his face and reached for his belt and pulled out the cane and tossed it to the boy.

"It's good to have you back, Oz."

AN/ Here it is. The end of RWBY Faith: Reunited. I thought it was a good point to end it on. Don't worry, folks. I'll have the first chapter of our next story up within the next few days. I have to thank everyone for sticking and showing support for this story. It's an amazing feeling to complete another piece of the story. I hope you all enjoyed and I will reveal the story soon. Stay classy, my friends.

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