Love Reunited

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The Next Morning

Ruby pulled out a small black box from her pack and opened it to reveal her mechanical eye. She pulled it out and pushed it into her empty eye socket. After a couple blinks, her vision was complete and her menu powered up as she saw the time 8:59 AM

She stretched her arms before putting her box in the pack and opened her tent to see the orange sky of the morning rising. She yawned before looking around before walking to a cage. The cage was made from the rib cage of a large animal and inside was Mercury. He was awake as he was rubbing his face of any tiredness. He looked to see Ruby approach him so he stretched his arms which cracked before greeting her. "Morning Pipsqueak."

Ruby sat down near the cage. "I just wanted to come by and say... Thanks for helping us." Mercury had to suppress a smile as he looked at her "You're welcome. Listen,  I uh... I may have helped destroy Beacon. But I just wanted to say... I'm sorry. Cinder only recruited me because I was an assassin like my Dad. I knew that I was being used. Cinder never really cared for either of us. Emerald seemed so dead set on believing that Cinder loved her." Ruby looked at him before pulling an apple out from her pack and handed it to Mercury who took it gently. He said a quick thanks before taking a bite.

Ruby looked down at the ground and pulled some grass out and played with it. She then asked "If you knew she was using you, why follow her?" Mercury swallowed the piece of apple before sighing "I had nowhere to go. I doubt I would've been granted amnesty from you guys. I don't blame you guys for wanting to see me rot in prison for what I did. Though after seeing Emerald snap and nearly kill me? I'm better off in a cell than back with that crazy bitch."

Ruby watched him as he explained his reasoning. "What was your Dad like?" Mercury stiffened before sighing "In short? An asshole. He always came home drunk and it always ended with me bruised and bloody. He trained to become the perfect assassin. One with no emotional ties to anyone. One who wouldn't feel guilt or remorse when I killed someone. He even did the unthinkable... He stole my semblance away." Ruby's eyes widen as she put a hand to her mouth. Mercury laughed bitterly "He promised that I'd get it back if I became stronger. So I did. I got stronger, and what did I get? Nothing but kicks and punches when I was down. I learned a valuable lesson that day. Don't make promises to anyone. They'll go unfulfilled."

Ruby looked at him for a while before standing up. "We'll be in Haven shortly. After that, you'll be locked up." Ruby started walking away before Mercury called out "Hey Ruby." She looked back at him and he continued "Thank you... For saving my life." Ruby had a small smile before nodding and walking away.

Ruby walked back to see everyone awake and packed up. Yang saw Ruby and smiled "Morning sis! Sleep well?" Ruby bounced towards them "Yep! How about you all?" Everyone nodded. Qrow walked out of a tent and stretched his back out which cracked, relieving some pressure. He walked towards Mercury's cage and opened it so Mercury could step out. Qrow tied some rope around his hands and walked towards the group. Everyone except Ruby, glared at Mercury who simply looked away. Qrow asked "Everybody got everything they need? Just waiting for Raven." Speaking of whom, Raven appeared from her tent with Vernal behind her. Qrow sighed before Raven stepped forward and looked at them all. "Ready?" Everyone nodded.

Raven placed her hand on her sword before pulling it out. Before she could fully unsheath it, a male voice shouted "Boss!" Everyone looked to see two bandits holding a girl with white hair in a ponytail. Ruby opened her mouth, hoping for it to be her. The bandits placed her down on the ground who weakly got on her hands and knees. Raven asked "Who's this?" Bandit #1 explained "We found her in a wrecked Bullhead. She was the only one alive." Ruby stepped forward before getting on her knees and raised the girl's head only to gasp.

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