Emeralds Shatter

727 14 3

Three Years ago

Emerald gasped and jumped from her bed as she recovered from her nightmare. She looked around to see the cabin she stayed with Cinder who took her in. She still wasn't trusting of anybody but when she thought about what she was doing before this, she knew sticking with Cinder was her best option. When Emerald gasped, Cinder was in the other room and stepped inside to look at her "What's wrong?" Cinder didn't say with concern, it was more annoyance from being disturbed. Emerald simply looked away and answered "Nothing. It was just a nightmare."

It was clear to Cinder that Emerald wasn't loved. If Emerald was to be her most loyal servant, she perhaps needs to give Emerald a reason to follow her. Cinder walked to her bed and sat down next to Emerald and spoke "I have nightmares too." Emerald looked at her and Cinder continued "Whenever I do, I sing myself a lullaby. It gives me a sense of calm. Would you like to hear it?" Emerald was hesitant before she nodded. Cinder gave a rare smile before singing a low melodic tune.

"Embers of fire give warmth onto me. Cinders of peace give Emeralds their shape as they slowly shine. The glow brightens up my mind as the darkness fades away." It gave Emerald the weariness she needed as she slowly closed her eyes and felt the sleep take her back down. No more nightmares...


Emerald stared down the window of the dark castle at the den of Beowolves that chewed on the bones of her beloved. She stared down with her red eyes that slowly became vacant as she gazed upon the bloody teeth along with the strands of flesh in between their teeth. In that moment, Emerald realized how worthless everything was. Even if they are victorious, it won't matter. In the end, they're just thrown away... Like Cinder.

Emerald heard footsteps from behind and simply glanced to see Mercury. He seemed nervous as he had his hands in his pockets as he said to his partner "Hey uh... Emerald. We're getting ready to ride all the way to Haven. We're just waiting for you." Emerald only looked out the window, seeming to not acknowledge the grey haired kick boxer. Mercury looked down then stepped closer "Emerald, come on." He touched her shoulder which caused Emerald to smack it away
and look at him with an unyielding rage. "DON'T TOUCH ME!" Mercury backed up and held his hands up "Hey hey hey. I'm sorry. Look, we need to get going." Emerald sneered at him as her eyes had a hidden breaking point but was unnoticeable by him.

She brushed past him and walked out of the room. Mercury followed behind her towards the Bullhead parked outside the castle. Inside the pilot seat was an Atlesian Knight that was hacked to be untraceable and take them anywhere. Mercury and Emerald climbed on inside to which Mercury ordered the robot "Haven Academy." The robot clicked several switches and revved up the engines. The Bullhead hovered up before flying forward.

Emerald simply looked out the window when her thoughts wondered "Why should I keep taking orders... They murdered my Cinder... They both murdered her... I'll avenge her... I'll... I'll kill them..." Mercury had his arms crossed, growing slowly impatient when he heard Emerald... Singing?

"Embers of fire give warmth onto me... Cinders of peace give Emeralds their shape as they slowly shatter. The glow darkens my mind as the darkness creeps in." Mercury was starting to get creeped out so he stood up. "Emerald?" She looked at him with eyes that revealed a shattered mind. A smile of sinister intent was the last thing he saw before she became a blur and blood drained from his throat. He choked and gurgled as he put his hands to his neck as he turned to see Emerald lick the blood from her blades. She spoke "I've waited to do this for a long time~" She opened the compartment door and Mercury grew paler and paler as the blood seeped through his fingers. Emerald screamed as she kicked him off the Bullhead, his gargled screams were music to her ears as she closed the door with her grin being the last thing seen.


The sea mist filled the air as the boat traverse through the calm waters. Blake watched the waters splash as tears fell from her cheek and joined the sea. Her heart was still wretched with guilt as she clutched the locket around her neck. She didn't want to leave Yang, but she had to tell her parents and find a way to fight back. Blake's mind filled with screams again, but not from when she was in the White Fang, instead, it was Yang's screams of agony when Adam cut her arms off. Blake gripped the locket tighter as more tears fell before an elderly voice speaks out.

"You alright, dear?" Blake whipped around and placed a hand to Gambol Shroud's handle only to see an elderly man in a Captain's outfit. He held his hands out in surrender "Peace friend. There's no fight here." Blake sighed and released her hand from Gambol Shroud and replied while wiping her tears away "Sorry... It's been a bad few months." The Captain walked up to the rail beside her and leaned into it while he spoke "Believe me, it has been for me too, but with peaceful days like these, it gives me a sense of... Maybe it'll all get better." Blake looked at him then back at the sea and sighed "I wish it were true."

The Captain looked at her then stood up right and said "We'll be at Menagerie in a few hours, if you need some rest, now's possibly the best time to get it." The Captain started walking away before turning to her again and said "You know, having friends around you can make your day better." He walked back to the bridge, leaving the cat faunus with just her thoughts. Before it was interrupted by a familiar voice "He's not wrong, you know." She spun around to see a familiar blonde haired man with a monkey's tail sitting down on the roof of the boat "Sun!? What're you doing here!?"

Sun simply grinned and jumped down to the ground and spoke "Well I heard about you leaving so I figured I could go with you so you weren't completely alone." Blake wanted to smile but realized he stalked her "So you thought of stalking me all the way here!?" Sun shook his head "What? No! I simply wanted to give you space and wanted to wait until you were more comfortable. Besides, you know I'm gay so you know I don't intend it."

Blake narrowed her eyes before sighing. She couldn't fault his logic. He was in a relationship with Neptune so he has no reason to stalk her creepily. "So what're you doing? Going after the Blood Fangs?" Sun was getting excited at the thought of attacking the terrorist group that hurt his friends. Blake shook her head "No... I just want to be with my parents. I just want to relax." Sun was a bit disappointed but understood. "Well at least you're not like how you were before the dance." Blake gave a quiet laugh and smiled at her best friend. "Thanks Sun."

A few hours later, after an aquatic Dragon Grimm battle, the boat touched down at the pier of Menagerie. Blake stepped out and looked at the scenery of different faunus conversing and making trades. Sun was amazed at the peaceful look of the island, not completely understanding the dark undertone of why the island is how it is. Blake lead Sun through the main city, Kuo Kuana until Sun asked "So where's your home? Is it there? Or over there?" Sun kept pointing at random buildings before Blake lead his arm to the largest building which shocked Sun "What!? That one!? Is your dad like the King of Menagerie?"

Blake smiled then walked down the road to the building with Sun in tow before arriving at the door. Blake took a deep breath and knocked on the door and waited for exactly 30 seconds before it opened to reveal Kali Belladonna who gasped then immediately wrapped her arms around Blake who hugged her back and smiled "Oh my baby girl... I'm so happy you're OK." Blake smiled then her father's voice rang out "Kali, who is it?" Kali released her arms from Blake and answered "It's Blake!"

Immediately, Ghira ran towards the entrance and sighed of relief as he hugged Blake with Kali. Sun simply stepped out of the way and smiled as he watched the family reunite.

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