Chapter 8- The Note

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It was at that point that's when I realized that there was a desk sitting in the corner of the room. I got up off the bed and walked over to the desk. The wood was light oke and looked brand new. It had three drawers, one long one in the middle and two smaller ones on either side. I opened the left drawer first. Empty. Next, I opened the right drawer. Also empty. Lastly, I opened the middle drawer. Laying there in the center of the drawer was a small piece of paper. 'Weird.' I thought. 'Shouldn't it be empty?' I picked up the paper, it was blank. I turned it over. Something was written on it. It read:

Hello, Miss Toko Van Saiki

It has come to my attention that you are not from around here. Because of this, I would like to offer you a piece of advice. The neckless in your possession will only be a burden. I suggest that you be rid of it, less you which to befall tragedy and miss fourche.

I also suggest that you use a different surname, less you wish to be recognized.

You have been informed. But the decision is yours.

I bid you farewell, Miss Saiki.


'Well that's... unsettling' I thought to myself. 'How did this person know about me, and more importantly the necklaces? Also is Toko this other me's actual name? Also also, does that mean that Toko Von Saiki is the other me's full name? I have so many questions.' I thought defeatedly to myself. I pulled out the chair that was sitting in front of the desk and sat down. 'I guess that's why the name popped into my head so quickly, and how Michelle knew where my room was. The other me, Miss Saiki, must have been enrolled at this academy so they were expecting her.'

'But still, how did they know about the neckless?'


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