Chapter 1

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The Untamable

Summary: I took poetic license with Voltage's Star Crossed Myth and their character Leon. Somehow I didn't think they did justice to the Wild Lion of the Heavens and the plot was rushed. So I wrote my own. This was more for my own entertainment than anything, but I still thought I'd share it.


Chapter 1


I died the day a god fell from the heavens.

It was a day like any other, but not for me. I had never seen a darker sky, a louder thunderstorm or a fiercer, more merciless rain.

It was clear the heavens were not happy.

"Last chance Goldfish."

I took one last look at him. He was almost too beautiful to look at now. Completely restored to his divine self, he stood imperiously, one hand on his hip, the other held up as he examined his nails. As if he didn't care what decision I made.

Hmph. As if.

I glanced down to the dark ground nearly three stories down. It was a long way after all.

"I don't have all day."

I glared at the auburn haired idiot. Didn't he realize what I was about to do? Everything about him, the angled hair hanging sexily in his face, the elegant nose, the straight perfect mouth nearly screamed disinterest. He didn't care. But those eyes. Those honey eyes were nearly ochre and flashing with...something. I couldn't quite name it.

It was there on the tip of my tongue, but so far away.

I could only taste it and it was enough.

I jumped off the building.

The nightmares had been relentless last night.

It was no wonder I was exhausted by the time I made it to office.

I've never been religious. The concept of spirituality is a book I've never opened. I've been a scientist most of my life. A student of astronomy. The big bang, the evolutionary leap were just theories I read in college. My head had never been in the clouds, but firmly on the ground just gazing up at the stars. For me anything celestial was gas and light billions of light years away and God was simply an entity in my periphery watching me live my life and having an occasional beer and a good chuckle when I stumbled. Which was probably eight or nine times every day.

"Will you hurry up Storm!"

Ironically, my mother had been a huge Marvel fan. And so I'm the butt of a many Mother Nature jokes considering my major had been planetary climate change.

Sara had a clipboard in one arm, hugged to her chest, and one arm trailing behind with which he proceeded to drag me up the flight of stairs.

Not particularly athletic I'm pretty sure I was not only holding her back, but increasing both our chances of a heart attack. I blamed her. She didn't want to wait for the elevator. That's Sara is general. She's in a hurry all the time. With work, life, boyfriend; everything. She wants it too fast. Maybe it's good I'm friends with her. I like to take my time, plan in advance and proceed with caution but gusto. With burning thighs, and heaving breaths, I let her tow me up three flights of stairs. The roof top was our destination, a huge sprawl of concrete, grass and glass. It had been the perfect venue to hold our event.

We were both on the organizational committee but one of us had an ulterior motive. I wanted a raise, but Sara was afraid our gorgeous blond CEO would be snared by Cassidy, our PR manager before we could get to him. It was a huge climb, pun intended. Sara was overreaching, but with such enthusiasm, I didn't have the heart to tell her that Sean, although sweet, was completely blindsided by Cassidy. The big bosomed woman with her frills and coiffed curls was far shinier than my petite, redheaded friend. Even if she had the largest, most fantastic green eyes I'd ever seen and curves I would kill to have.

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