Chapter 3

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The Untamable

Chapter 3


But there was no way to escape the rumor of running off from the party with a hottie in my office. Even Sara refused to believe that Leo was just an acquaintance.

Leo continued to be an insufferable slave driver. He would call on odd hours, walk into my apartment when he pleased and had no sense of propriety. If this was the way the Almighty was running things I might have to go up there and talk to him. Then I realized what I was saying and joined my hands in prayer hoping Leo wouldn't interrupt my asking for forgiveness. But I found out he was otherwise engaged.

"Oh dear god!"

I jumped back into the hallway and slammed the parlor door shut. I'd been in the middle of a meeting when the insistent prodding in my brain had finally made me fake a womanly incident and ditch my boss. I would never be promoted as long as the imperial bastard didn't return home. Furious and rehearsing every single thing I could call him I had marched into the mansion with every intention of getting one over him only to find him and Taurus occupying the parlor in ways my human eyes could never un-see.

A wave of muffled feminine giggles came through the closed door as I lay my forehead against it and wished for permanent blindness.

"Come back inside Goldfish and I'll grant your every wish."

I banged my forehead against the door and tried to dislodge the image from my head. Maybe if I hit harder.

The door sprang open before I could truly smack myself into a stupor and there stood the two gods in all their nearly naked glory. I glared. "How good of you to throw on your pants."

"We were afraid you'd have a heart attack," Taurus chuckle, his twinkling eyes as flirtatious as ever.

"Or an attack none the less." Leo smirked wickedly, the longer slant of his hair falling over his eye as he slid one hand up on the door frame and posed there, all smooth muscle and alabaster skin. My eyes made one sweep down his chest before coming back up to the black and purple crest tattooed on his right pectoral. I was about to open my mouth to ask if that was the mark he'd been telling me about, but suddenly an arm had wrapped around my waist and I was dragged against Taurus' fine flesh.

"Hey! Unhand me!" Hands planted firmly on his shoulders, I felt the blood in my veins begin to heat.

The women on the chaise lounge began to coo and purr; walking up to coil around Leo and Taurus. "Come back to us my Lord. We were having so much fun." And me, still trapped between the doorframe and Taurus sputtered as one woman's hand slid up my side as if I was included in the fun.

"Come on Goldie, join us. We can take you to heights of pleasure no human could ever hope to bestow on you." Taurus's breath wafted against my throat and my skin prickled as panic began to build in my chest.

"No thank you!" I squawked, pushing as hard as I could against him, but they burrowed deeper against me, the women nearly surrounded us, their fingers trailing towards my legs.

"Relax Goldie. We want to help you remove Leo's sin. His reason for being banished. See he defiled a pretty little goddess. Naughty, naughty. But just maybe his sins will be washed away if we bestow some love unto you. This is all in the interest or returning my boss to the heavens you see."

Trapped and desperate I did the only thing I could and I knew it would be my undoing. Because he'd never let me hear the end of it now.

My eyes snapped up to the lazy gaze of the god still posing haughtily in the doorway, unaffected by the women serpentine around him.

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