Chapter 6

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The Untamable

Chapter 6


They flanked me from both sides as we made our way through the mansion. It almost felt like they were leading me to an execution.

"Where's Leo?"

"Oh he's gone to his special place."

I scowled up at him. "Are you humoring me?"

"Oh it's not in his head. It's very real." Taurus grinned. "Don't worry so much Goldie. He comes in and out of there. Mostly to meditate and calm. Cancer's visit didn't sit very well with him."

"They don't get along?"

"They do." Taurus nodded. "He wasn't very happy when we wanted to throw a party in your honor."

Taurus almost made it sound like Leo didn't want me here. If I didn't want me not here either, I might have been a little hurt. As it were, we entered the parlor to find the rest of the banished gods milling around a raven haired deity in their usual white coattails, but red shoulder adornments instead. When I entered, he looked up and smiled widely. Some of my apprehension faded when he stood and held out a hand to me in greeting. "I'm pleased to meet you Storm Walker. We were just talking about you."

Feeling easier as he smiled down at me, I couldn't help return it. "Good things I hope?"

"We tried to restrain ourselves," Scorpio muttered dryly.

I ignored him and sat down when the God of Cancer offered me a chair. "I do apologize for springing this on you, but I felt we really did need to thank you for all you're doing for Leo."

Again I was a little uneasy with what they were suggesting. "Filing and paperwork mostly."

"Oh it's much more than that," Cancer shook his head. "Leo seems brighter, almost fully restored. We are grateful for whatever help you are offering. I can only do so much in his absence; we really do need him at full power and back at the Ministry. His presence alone gets so much done."

It was then that I recalled Taurus' words. How Leo was powerful. How only the Almighty could hold him back if he ever unleashed his full power. But defiling a goddess. That had been the reason he'd been thrown down to our world. To be honest, I hadn't even had the courage to bring it up with him. But if he was getting better and was almost ready to return, maybe I should have asked him. Or maybe ask Cancer. He seemed so nice and normal.

But I couldn't.

The door to the parlor was slapped open and he strode in imperiously. "Let's get this over with."

"Good of you to join us Leo," Cancer smiled amicably.

I opened my mouth to greet him, but his eyes never even sought me out as he stood in the door way, one hand on his hip, hair slanting across his face as he glared at Cancer. "We're still here."

"For once," Scorpio was on his feet first, "I am with the Lion on this. The sooner we get this done, the sooner we can get back to our lives."

Leo's brow darkened as he looked at the other god still sitting with me. "Still here," he scowled.

Cancer's smile faded a little as he stood and offered me a hand graciously. It was a nice change. I had gotten used to Leo's brusque arrogance. "Let's go Miss Walker, before my angry friend decides to ditch us for a dalliance instead."

If the others noticed, they didn't comment. Leo's jaw hardened, but his eyes remained impassive. "Yeah. My weekend is waiting in my bed. You lot better not keep me late."

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