Chapter 5

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The Untamable

Chapter 5


"This is wrong."

He reached over with his chopsticks and picked up a piece of chicken from my plate. Munching thoughtfully on the meat, he frowned. "Seems perfectly right to me. In fact, that's better than my coconut curry. Switch."

I sighed as Leo shamelessly switched our plates and began to scarf down my chicken with cashew nuts.

"Stop it." Shaking my head, I smacked his hand when he tried to reach for my pineapple juice. "I meant this constant watching them. It's just wrong."

Wounded at my refusal to hand over my drink he glowered at me disapprovingly before going back to eating. "This is research."

"This is spying."

"You're the one who is determined to save my soul."

Rolling my eyes, I smacked his hand again when he tried to swipe me drink again. "The sooner you go back to heaven the sooner we all can get on with our lives."

He gazed longing at the yellow liquid as I drank. "You mean your life."

"Whatever," I down the last of my juice, stuck my tongue out at him and started on the curry. "Besides, why are you wolfing down food anyway? I thought gods didn't need to eat."

"I'm giving you company. It wouldn't look right for you to be eating alone."

"How sacrificing of you."

"Bow to my greatness, are you going to have the rest of the curry?"

Sighing, I pushed the plate towards him and he proceeded to polish off the last of the food on our table. I took a moment to gaze out at Sara and Sean. She was positively beaming. We'd stayed up all night on the weekend while she gushed and giggled about how great and romantic Sean was. I had to admit. He was pretty great. He'd not only been a perfect gentleman, he had taken her on perfect little dates. Their relationship was slowly blossoming into something sweet. I was almost envious.


Dragged from my flowery thought, I scowled at him. "Isn't your bottomless pit filled?"

"If it's bottomless, how can it?" He winked and gestured for the waiter. "I've heard their soufflé is to die for."

Putting my chin in my hands, I watched Sean touch Sara's hand and smile as if she was his earth and sky.

I sighed.

At least some good came out of this.

We followed the couple home in silence. I had a feeling most of it was because Leo had no place left in his stomach to even fill air in his lungs. Ahead Sean kissed Sara softly and lingeringly released her hand as he made his way back to his car.

"He's nicer than I gave him credit for."

"The spider spins a fine web around the fly and by the time the fly notices, it's started eating the wings already."

Glaring at his fatalistic prophecy, I pulled him back into the shade of the car. "You are sick you know that? You can't admit that this is going smashingly. That it is not about the flesh but about the heart."

"It's their third date. How naïve are you?"

"He would have made a move if he wasn't a gentleman."

Leo rolled his eyes and took my hand. "Your knowledge of men is hardly something to boast about."

"WHAT!" I squawked as he snapped his fingers and we materialized in the mansion.

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