Chapter 4

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The Untamable

Chapter 4


But things did change. It was subtle but it niggled there in my peripheral vision prodding me to look deeper. But work was piling up. I didn't get time to sift through my own thoughts, or their implications. I took his cooperation in stride. I saw him look longer into the pool when people asked for love; albeit he still ignored their wishes. He continued to be an imperious ass, but there seemed to be a deeper understanding of my personal space. He had walked into me in the bath tub once and demanded I return to the mansion with him. He hadn't understood my squawks of protest and the need to hide in my bubble bath. Now he stood outside the door if he called on me.

And then the change became apparent one day.

"Oh my god!"

"You rang?"

Eyes snapping up to his lazy drawl from the canopied bed, I watched him wide eyed. "It's Sara!"

His brow furrowed as he went over the paperwork. "What?"

"Sara!" I pointed to the fountain. "It's Sara!"

"I speak nearly every language known to man and then some and I have no idea what you just said."

"Sara!" I glared and gesturing wildly to the flickering water. "My best friend! The woman who thought you were my boyfriend." He still seemed confused. I rolled my eyes. Some all-knowing deity. "She thanked you for saving my life at the planetarium?"

"The clingy, talkative one?"

I glare at him. "Watch it. That's my BFF you're speaking about."

He snorted. "BFF? Seriously? What are you; five?" With a sigh, I beckoned him closer and he rose out of the bed languidly. Standing behind me he gazed at my curvy green eyed friend and shook his head. "Idiot female."

I stared up at him. "Her wish is pure! Look at her, she really likes this guy! Sean could totally be the one! I didn't realize she wanted him this badly! She's praying for him! Answer her!"

He looked at me incredulously. "Excuse me?" Turning to me with a frown he touched my forehead. "Are you ill? Because I could have sworn you knew I did not grant wishes for love."

Swatting his hand away, I glared at him. "Leo, she isn't asking for love. She wants him to notice her, that's all! Answer her!"

With a chuckle he turned and walked to the door.

"Are you laughing at her wish?!" Scrambling after him I followed him down the hall. "I'm serious! What are you doing! Leo, she's waiting!"

Grinning over his shoulder he threw back, "I'm laughing at you Goldfish."

It only exasperated me more. "Come on, you heartless mule; just this once!"

His heels smoked and I smacked into his back, my nose colliding with one solid shoulder blade. "Awo!"

Turning around he took a moment to tilt his head and examine my nose before frowning. "You take too many liberties with me human." Then he turned and marched on, opening a door down the hall and stepping in.

I'd seen most of the mansion, but this room I hadn't been invited to. And it was just as well, because beyond the doors were the most lavish, elaborate baths I could see. Mouth dropping open nearly comically I took in the white marble and gilded gold of the enormous bath and the clear sparkling water that gurgled out of the largest fountain I had ever seen. For a moment I was disgusted with the superficiality and extravaganza of these gods. "You've got to be kidding me. The mansion was one thing, but this! This is excessive even for you! Elitist son of a..."

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