Chapter 7

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The Untamable

Chapter 7


I walked into the mansion nearly two days later. Sara and I had spoken with human resources and since the Planetarium was under the Federal jurisdiction, we were assigned a government lawyer. Sean was suspended and taken into custody. It would be a dirty business, but Sara and I endured the stares as we continued to go to work.

Cassidy watched us with troubled eyes.

At the mansion, I found Leo in the throne room, a messenger slowly debriefing him on what was going on in the heavens. Vega was a cute little thing and Leo seemed to enjoy his company. I waited patiently until Leo was free and met him at the door where he bid farewell to his messenger.

"How's your BFF?"

His concern seemed genuine, even if he didn't meet my eyes. "She's coping. It is difficult to come to terms with it suppose."

"What is?"

"One's own vulnerability."

"That's what makes you all human." He strode back to his throne.

I frowned as I followed him. "You think you're less vulnerable because you're divine?"

"Of course."

Shaking my head I stood before him and met his eyes. "You will never learn, will you?"

He watched me for a moment, his legs crossed, fist supporting his chin. Then his eyes golden flickered with something dark and he looked away. I was about to ask when he spoke, his eyes elsewhere. "I realize I should apologize."

Startled, I tilted my head thoughtfully. "What grave sin have you committed lately?"

At my lighter tone, he slid that infamous imperious gaze back to me. "For accosting you on that chaise without your permission."

He said it so matter-of-factly, that I reeled back a step. "What?"

He glared. "You heard me. Or is it that you would revel in watching a god grovel?"

I shook my head slowly, mouth still parted in surprise. " It's just..."

"It is said. Come." He rose and walked past me without a backward glance. "We have wishes to grant."

Unhappy with his dismissal, I caught his arm before he could be out of my reach and he snapped around in alarm as I met his eyes resolutely. "No. You can't do that. You can't say a thing like that and then just walk out like it was nothing."

"You look like you want to make it into something."

My anger lit like a match and I glared. "Stop it. Whatever has doing this 'holier than thou' act, just stop. You don't need to pretend with me."

He was before me in a heartbeat, his eyes blazing, almost accusing. "Why do you keep pushing me?"

Knees nearly trembling at his proximity, I swallowed and met his eyes with as much bravado as I could muster. "Why do you keep talking in riddles?"

"Do you think you can handle the reality of it?"

A gasp of air left my lungs. "I...would like to think we're friends enough to be honest."

His brow wrinkled. "Friends."

I opened my mouth to clarify, but he drew away and crossed his arms. "Yes. We are friends I suppose. Amusing, but friends. You have diligently helped remove my mark of sin. So I apologized because I realize how it must have made you feel. How you must have looked at me." Something flickered in his gaze. Like a memory. "How she looked at him."

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