Chapter 3: Thoughts

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Kim POV:

The rest of the unit were already upstairs but I decided to stay outside slightly longer to catch some fresh air. I went to fiddle with my necklace like I always do and noticed it not there. Dammit it must of come of at some point last night at Adam's, I'll just text him tomorrow morning to ask if it's at his. I decided to finally walk into the precinct and go upstairs. As I walked up I saw Adam at first glance. He was changing his shirt, leaving him with nothing but a tank top on revealing his muscular arms. I was able to quickly avert my gaze from him telling the group what I had discovered.

Adam POV

When we got back to the precinct everyone headed straight upstairs except Kim. I noticed how she sat in her car longer and then got out just standing there looking as if she was in deep thought. I didn't want to disturb her so I went up the stairs into the precinct. I needed to change my top so I went down to the locker room and grabbed a spare shirt from my locker. I put on a black tank top and walked back to the bullpen holding the shirt in my hand. As Voight began to talk I started putting on my new,clean shirt it was a fake denim like one, it isn't my favourite but that's all I had in my locker. I looked and focused on Voight as he began to talk about the case whilst I did up the shirt.

Kim: "Hey"

As soon as I heard the voice I turned my head quickly in the direction of the voice walking up the stairs. It was Kim. She stood leaning on her desk telling the unit information she had learnt about the case, or that's what I think she was talking about. I don't know. I just looked at her the whole time. Her beautiful long wavy brown hair was sitting perfectly just below her shoulders and her outfit complimented her body so well. And those eyes were just so gorgeous, deep as if secrets could be hidden in them. These thoughts quickly left when I zoned back into the conversation and realised that I had information that went with Kim's. Voight quickly sent me and Kevin of to a scrap yard to find out more.


They had a lead on the case and the whole unit had to roll out to get a visual before they could move in on him. Upton, Halstead and Rojas sat in the back of an undercover van watching the cameras waiting for a visual on Jack Cranston. Atwater, Ruzek and Burgess sat in a car across the street waiting anxiously too. Kevin sat on the drivers side, staring out down the road looking out. Adam sat in the passenger seat trying to focus on the road a head but he was too tired due to the night before, he put his hand to his eyes and rubbed them trying to help him stay awake. Kim was sat in the middle in the back of the car, she had practically given up trying to stay awake as she lent on her had with her eyes closed. The tiredness was very vivid in both of them from the long night they had had together.


It was now 6:30 pm and the unit was back at the precinct up in the bullpen. Atwater, Rojas and Upton had just left to go home after a long day only Voight, Burgess, Ruzek and Halstead remained finishing up some paper work.

Halstead: "Aha finally done, hey Sarge I'm all done"

Voight: "Okay, put it on top of the pile on my desk and then you can go"

Halstead: "Great, copy that"

Halstead made his way from his desk to Hank's office plopping the fat file on top of the other's. He walked back into the bullpen and grabbed his jacket from his chair before walking down to the locker room.

Halstead: "Hey anyone coming to Molly's once their done?"

Burgess: "No sorry, not feeling up to it think I'm just gonna head home and get an early night"

Halstead: "Okay it's fine, Adam?"

Ruzek: "Nah sorry dude I just want to go home and get an early night too"

Halstead: "Alrighty then. Night guys"

Ruzek: "Night"

Burgess: "Goodnight Jay"

As he left it was just Adam and Kim left alone in the bullpen working. Occasionally Adam would look up at her, just to see her beautiful face, but he quickly would look back at his work because of the fear of her noticing and he still was unsure of where they stood.

It was nearing 7 pm when they both finally finished the paper work and headed down to the locker room to grab their stuff. There was just silence, no words were exchanged between them, they couldn't. What would they even say to each other? It was better being silent then to talk. They made their way downstairs and they walked outside to their cars.

Adam: "Night Kim"

Kim: "Goodnight Adam"

That's all they could bring themselves to say and with that they got into their cars and drove home.


I started the car but before I pulled away I looked over at Adam who was just starting his car too. Today hadn't been too awkward but maybe that was because we were both too tired to think about last night. As I drove home my mind was flooded with thoughts,feelings and memories. I loved Adam even after when we broke of the engagement and I kinda miss him and how close we were. Maybe we could be close again like we used to be.

When I got home I went straight to bed, I was so tired because I had stayed up so late last night with Adam and only managed to get about 4 hours of sleep and it had been a long day. I got changed into a loose grey tank top and crawled into bed. As I laid there I almost missed the presence of Adam, the warmth from his body, his chest was the perfect pillow for my head and the way he held me as if nothing else mattered in the world made me feel safe. I missed it.

Adam POV

I pulled out of my space behind Kim and began to drive home. I didn't put the radio on like usual instead I sat there in silence letting my thoughts consume me. I couldn't make sense of last night. Was it a mistake? Was it just a reaction to the stress of the day? Or was it the hard day that made us both realise we wanted each other? This morning played on repeat in my head, the sound of her closing my apartment door and running out. I still love Kim but does she feel the same way? 

I eventually got home and walked up into my apartment. I headed into the kitchen to grab a beer to then realise that I was out. I looked into the living room and saw the 2 bottles of beer empty from last night. I took put them in the bin and decided to head straight to bed. I got unchanged and put on my black and grey checkered bottoms on and hopped into bed. I turned over missing Kim's presence. I loved it when she would use my chest as if it was a pillow and I always held her tightly and close to make her feel safe. The pillow she had slept on still smelt faintly of her perfume and that's when I noticed something under it. It was her necklace a small golden chain with three small golden balls on it. I knew how important this necklace was to Kim she never took it of, I can't remember why but all I know is it's important to her. I got back out of bed and placed it by the front door next to my keys so I wouldn't forget it tomorrow. I climbed back into bed and slowly drifted of to sleep.


A/N: Please comment your opinions as I would love to know how you felt about it and also if you could vote this it would really mean a lot <3 Also please comment if you like these long chapters or not and I'm trying to update every two/three days so bare with!

Remember to follow @chi.hard on instagram to vote for things in the next chapter!

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