Chapter 9: Already a Mum

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Kim: " The father is...a real great guy we're just trying to figure everything out you know"

Hailey: "Yeah okay well I hope that you know I'm here to help you and give you some advice if you need it"

Kim: "Thanks Hailey that means a lot. What kind of advice?"

Hailey: "You know things to help with morning sickness, best ways to hide it, when and how to tell Voight"

Kim: "Okay...what helps with morning sickness then cause that's been awful so far"

Hailey: "I heard that ginger helps like ginger ale or ginger snaps 

Kim: "Okay great thanks I'll definitely try that"

We talked some more before I decided to call it a night as I had to wake up early tomorrow to babysit. Before I left Hailey gave me a hug and told me to remember I have her and the unit to help me. I thank her again for dinner and make my way home. 

When I get home it's nearing 11pm so I head straight to my bedroom but on my way I realise how small my apartment is. I've been living here for a few years and it's small with only 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, a small kitchen/living area and then another small room which I use for storage  which won't work out when the baby comes. I make a mental note to begin looking for a bigger place soon. I go about my normal evening routine and as soon as my head hits the pillow I'm out due to pure exhaustion.

*The Next Day*

Adam POV

I feel like Kim is trying to avoid me ever since the other day, I know she said that she had plans but I can't feel that she also just didn't want to be with me. I've been sending her texts since 9am and she hasn't responded yet and I feel that it's another sign that she's trying to ignore me. I really wanted to spend some time with her today but instead I've gone to the gym and tidied my apartment up and done a little more research about pregnancy. I just want to be there for her and try and understand what is going on and what she's going through. It's now 3pm and I'm slightly concerned that I haven't heard from Kim all day. I've probably sent 20 texts and tried to call her almost 10 times but nothing.

I decide it might not be a bad idea to go to her apartment to check on her, so I grab my phone and keys and head out to my car. On the drive over I start to think maybe I'm just overreacting maybe she has left her phone somewhere or maybe she's out but I can't help but still feel concerned. Or maybe she really is avoiding me, no no no she wouldn't do that. Would she?

When I pull up outside her apartment building I see that her car is there which is a good thing so I start making my way inside. I soon approach the door that says 2E and I knock on the door. I wait. No response. I knock a few more times but still no answer, my mind starts racing. What if she's hurt herself? What if she's unconscious? I need to get in there. My cop brain starts to kick in and I start to look around for a spare key as I don't think Kim would appreciate me kicking down her door.

I think back to when we were together and suddenly remembered where she always kept a spare key after she forgot her keys at the precinct one night. I reach up and feel around on the top of the door frame I feel the cool metal of the key and pull it down and clean away some of the dust that has collected on top. I put the key into the lock and slowly turn it and the door opens, I quickly step inside and turn to lock the door back up and I can hear the faint sound of the TV. As I walk into the living area the sight in front of me is not what I expected at all.

Kim is asleep on her couch with a baby laying on her chest. My heart could melt at the sight. As I approach them I see the ending of Finding Nemo is playing on the TV and I also see Kim's phone which is poking out from under a cushion. That explains why she hasn't answered. I decide to leave them sleeping and start to tidy up the mess around them. I pick up the few fallen cushions and put the few toys in a box I find, I also tidy away the little mess in her kitchen. I realise that the TV is still on so I go over and turn it off and put away the DVD and make my way back over to the kitchen to grab myself a glass of water. I make my way back to the living area and sit on the opposite end of the couch and start going on my phone.After a few minutes Kim's eyes start to slowly open as she woke up. She looked over to me confused.

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