Chapter 12: Together

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Adam POV

It has been 2 months since the night when Sofia's life changed, since then Kim and I have become closer and have started to work together more. We still weren't sure what exactly we were or how this was going to work because we have both been delaying the talk.  

Adam: "Ow"

Sofia grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled it. Kim and Hailey were currently out shopping as Kim had already out grown many of her jeans and shirts, they were due back any minute now so then Hailey could look after Sofia whilst me and Kim go to an appointment at med.

I heard a knock on the door and got up with Sofia in my arms giggling.

Adam: "Who is it Sofia"


It had been 2 months since Sofia's mom had passed, since then its been crazy. Trudy was able to pull some favours to make me Sofia's foster parent whilst an investigation went underway to find any family. Me and Adam had cleared out my small spare room for Sofia and it still needed decorating but we had the minimal essentials which was what mattered. In these past 2 months there's been lots of changes, me becoming a parent has been a big one but me and Adam have also been becoming closer and he more or less lived in my apartment helping with Sofia to start of he slept on the couch but lately he's been sleeping in my bed. Another big change has been me, my stomach has grown so quickly and I've already grown out of all my cloths which is why I'm currently standing in the middle of a shopping mall with Hailey.

Hailey: "Come on Kim just at least get one babygrow"

Kim: "I don't know Hailey isn't it too early?"

Hailey: "Have you seen yourself? It's definitely not and they're so cute"

Kim: "Okay I guess I'll get the white one with the little bears on them"

And with our final purchase of the day we walked out of the mall and back to Hailey's truck, the trip had been successful I had gotten new jeans and shirts that should last a while and now it was time to drive back to mine so me and Adam could go to our appointment.

Today I was getting my 16 week scan, I have only had a few and my doctor, Dr Hart had told me that today we might be able to find out the gender of potato, Adam had called the baby potato and its cute and has now stuck with everybody.

We arrived at my apartment and me and Hailey walked up to my door and knocked, the door opened and I was met with the sight of Adam and Sofia, who stuck her arms out for me and had the biggest smile on her face.

Kim: "Hello Sofia"

Adam: "She missed you"

Kim: "Of course she did she likes me more"

Adam: "No way she likes me more"

Hailey: "Actually I think she likes me more"

Adam: "*laughs* sure Hailey have fun with her we shouldn't be long"

Hailey: "I will now you two GO! I want to know the gender of potato"

Kim: "*laughs* okay Hails see you later, bye Sofia"

Me and Adam begin the walk down to his truck and drive to Med. The radios low and I'm looking out the window watching the city go pass when Adam breaks the silence.

Adam: "So we are finding out the gender?"

Kim: "Yeah, remember last time Dr Hart said we could at the 16 week checkup"

Adam: "Yeah I do I just didn't know if we were actually finding out or not"

Kim: "Of course, why wouldn't we? It will help us prepare"

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